
Showing posts with the label cocos

Briose cu cocos fara faina

BLAT  2 oua  1 lingura de zahar brun 4-5 linguri de nuca de cocos.   Se bat albusurile spuma, se adauga zaharul, se mixeaza pana devine o bezea lucioasa, se adauga galbenusurile, iar apoi se pune nuca de cocos. Se omogenizeaza si se pun in forme de briose(am pus in forme mai maricele si mi-au iesit 5 briose). Acest blat ar merge folosit de minune si la alte prajituri. GLAZURA 60 gr ciocolata al ba 2 linguri frisca lichida  Se topesc si se pun peste briose.     DECOR Merisoare   Muffins with coconut without flour BLAT 2 eggs 1 tablespoon brown sugar 4-5 tablespoons of coconut. Beat egg whites , add sugar, mix until it becomes a glossy meringue , add the yolks , and then put coconut. Stir and place in muffin form . Glazes 60 g white chocolate 2 tablespoons whipped cream Melt and put over muffins .   DECOR cranberries