
INGREDIENTE 1 lingurita de ness 1-2 lingurite de zahar 2 linguri apa fierbinte 150 ml apa rece 50 ml lapte rece 4 cuburi de gheata 1 tableta de ciocolata neagra menaj(30 gr) sau sos de ciocolata frisca batuta. Se pune nesul si zaharul , se adauga apa fierbinte cat sa se dizolve iar apoi adaugam apa rece si laptele se amesteca. Se pun cuburile de gheata. Se topeste ciocolata si se racoreste , apoi se pune pe marginile paharului. Se pune frisca iar deasupra iarasi putin de ciocolata topita !! RACOREALA PLACUTA :) Frappee INGREDIENTS 1 teaspoon instant coffee 1 to 2 teaspoons of sugar 2 tablespoon of hot water 150 ml cold water 50 ml of cold milk 4 ice cubes chocolate sauce whipped cream. Put instant coffe and sugar in the glass, add gor water and stir to dissolve, afer that add cold water and milk and mix them . Put ice cubes, put chocolate sauce on the margins of the glass ...