
Se afișează postări cu eticheta vanilla cream

Personalized Cakes - Torturi Personalizate

  I just started to make some personalized cakes. Those ones are with vanilla filling . Doar ce am inceput sa fac torture personalizate, acestea sunt cu crema de vanilie

No-Bake Vanilla Strawberry Cheesecake-Cheesecake Cu Vanilie Si Capsuni Fara Coacere

Hello my dears!!! After a long time I am back finaly. I missed to write , I missed you , I missed my blog. Even I don't have time now anymore like before, I am still cooking and baking :)). Now I brought you a nice cheesecake ,very easy to do it.

Pancakes cu crema de vanilie si fructe-Vanilla cream and fruits pancakes

Pancakes sau clatite pufoase!! Rapide si gustoase!

Tort "Mickey"-Birht cake Mickey

Tort "mickey"...

Tort "Maselute"- Theet Cake

Tort cu crema de vanilie si cocktail de fructe!