Pancakes cu crema de vanilie si fructe-Vanilla cream and fruits pancakes

Pancakes sau clatite pufoase!! Rapide si gustoase!

" 1,2, 3 facem clatite pufoase
Sunt rapide si gustoase
De toti sunt poftite 
Cu orice pot fi servite!"

Portii: 1
Timp total : 30 min

INGREDIENTE 10 linguri de faina un praf de sare 3 linguri de zahar 2 oua 300-400 ml apa minerala( lapte) esenta de vanilie Dr.Oetker
5 gr praf de copt Dr. Oetker. ulei

Crema de vanilie cu cocktail de fructe
Sos de ciocolata


Faina se pune in castron, se pune sarea, zaharul si praful de copt.
Se adauga ouale, esenta de vanilie si se amesteca putin. Apoi se pune apa pe rand, pana obtinem o compozitie mai groasa ca la clatitele obisnuite. Se unge tigaia cu ulei si se pune cu polonicul, se lasa la rumenit. Apoi se intoarce sa se rumeneasca si pe partea cealalta.

 Pancakes with fruit and vanilla cream

Servings: 1
Total time: 30 minutes

10 tablespoons of flour
Pinch of salt
3 tablespoons sugar
2 eggs
300-400 ml mineral water (milk)
vanilla essence Dr.Oetker
5 gr Dr. Oetker baking powder.

Vanilla cream with fruit cocktail
Chocolate sauce

Flour is put in bowl with salt, sugar and baking powder.
Add eggs, vanilla essence and mix .
Then put water at  time to time, to get a thicker composition as regular pancakes.
Grease the pan with oil and put the composition with a ladle, let it brown.
Then turn to brown on the other side.


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