Papanasi cu crema de branza- Philadelphia Cheese Pancakes

Am incercat papanasi cu crema de branza .. au iesit foarte buni..
Dragii mei dupa cum stiti papanasii sunt celebrii, sunt un desert dorit de toata lumea, se fac repede si sunt foarte buni.

Portii: 4
Timp total :40 min

100 gr crema de branza philadelphia
2 linguri zahar
un praf de sare
1 ou
esenta de vanilie
1 lingurita praf de copt
dulceata de zmeura
ulei pentru prajit.

Branza se amesteca cu zaharul pudra si esenta de vanilie, adaugam ouale si omogenizam . Incepem sa punem 2-3 linguri faina amestecata cu praful de copt .Adaugam faina pana obtinem un aluat ce poate fi intins. Intindem foaie nu subtire (1-2 cm ), taiem forma rotunda si in mijlocul il decupa tot cu forma rotunda mica.Din forma mica se fac bilutele.  Se pun la prajit.

Se pune pe farfurie rotundul cu gaura , in gaura se pune dulceata , se pune biluta , se pune dulceata , smantana si dulceata.


In Romania this is a traditional dessert . 

Servings: 4
Total time: 40 minutes.

100 gr philadelphia cheese
2 tablespoons of sugar
vanilla essence
 1 egg
1 teaspoon of baking powder 
flour as much as we need 
raspberry jam
 sour cream
oil for frying

  Mix cheese with sugar, pinch of salt and madagascar vanilla essence. Add the egg and mixing, then add 2-3 tablespoons of flour mixed with baking powder. Next add the flour from time to time, to get a dough that can be stretched. 
Put flour on table and stretch the dough with a rolling pin. Cut round shapes like i made in the image.
Put them in  hot oil and fry them on each side, not to much 2-3 min.

Place on plate round shape with  hole, put jam in the  hole, place  the ball and put jam and sour cream.


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