No-Bake Vanilla Strawberry Cheesecake-Cheesecake Cu Vanilie Si Capsuni Fara Coacere
Hello my dears!!! After a long time I am back finaly. I missed to write , I missed you , I missed my blog. Even I don't have time now anymore like before, I am still cooking and baking :)).
Now I brought you a nice cheesecake ,very easy to do it.
As I said , I was baking a cheesecake with fresh strawberries, well I didn't bake it , It is NO BAKE cheesecake.
I am gonna tell you the ingredients for 10-12 portions, but before to start is not me if I am not writing something :).
"No Bake Cheesecake
Is not fake
Is easy to do
And you'll love it too ."
Servings: 10-12
Preparing time: 20-30 min.
Cooling time: 2-3 h
250 gr digestive biscuits
100gr butter.
180 gr Philadelphia soft cheese
6 Tablespoons icing sugar
Vanilla extract
300 ml double cream
200-300gr fresh strawberries
melted chocolate and fresh strawberries.
Base: We are starting with the base. Crush the biscits in a bowl. Place the butte in another bowl and melt the butter in microwave for about 10-20 sec. Place on the top of the biscuits and mix them. We need a lose base tin (9")(20-22cm.). Place the composition in tin and flat it with hands, let it cool in a fridge until we make the filling.
Filling: Place the soft cheese and 4 TBS icing sugar in a bowl and mix them. In a separate bowl place the double cream , vanilla extract and 2TBS icing sugar, start mix it with a hand mixer, until thickened a lil bit. Now is time to put the soft cheese and mix again about few seconds.
Take the tin from the fridge, cut in halves strawberries, put a layer of filling , strawberries and filling again. Let it cool in a fridge few hours.
P.S. sorry is been such a long time, I don't evan know how to write :))
Cheese cake cu vanilie si capsuni fara coacere
Timp de preparare: 20-30 min
Timp de racire: 2-3h
250 gr biscuit digestive
100 gr unt
180 gr. crema de branza Philadelphia
6 linguri de zahar pudra
300 ml frisca lichida(smantana pentru frisca)
esenta de vanilie
200-300gr capsuni proaspete
Ciocolata topita si capsuni.
Blat: Rupem biscuitii intr-un bol. In alt bol punem untul la topit la microunde 10-20 sec. Turnam untul peste biscuit si amestecam bine. Punem compozitia intr-o tava d 20-22 cm diametru, nivelam cu mana si lasam sa se raceasca la frigider pana facem umplutura.
Umplutura: Crema de branza si 4 linguri de zahar pudra se amesteca impreuna intr-un bol. Separat punem frisca , 2 linguri de zahar pudra si esenta de vanilie, incepem sa mixam pana incepe sa devina tare, acum adaugam crema de branza si mai mixam cateva secunde.
Scoatem tava din frigider, punem un strat de crema de branza, capsunile taiate in jumate, restul de crema si dam la frigider cateva ore sa se raceasca.
P.S. Imi cer scuze , a trecut atata timp incat nici nu mai stiu cum sa scriu . :)))
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