
Se fac 3 foi

6 albusuri
6 linguri de zahar
9 linguri de nuca macinata
3 linguri faina

Se face blatul pentru cele 3 foi.
Albusurile se bat spuma, se adauga zaharul si se mixeaza pana devin lucioase.

Se adauga nuca , si se amesteca.

La final se adauga faina .

Se pune foaie de copt in tava(20x30), se pune o treime din blat si se da la cuptor 20-25 min, la foc potrivit.

Blatul ramas se pune la frigider pana se coace foaia.
Cand este coapta foaie se pune pe gratar la racit.

6 galbenusuri
esenta de vanilie
6 linguri zahar
2 linguri lapte
200 ml frisca lichida

Galbenusurile , esenta de vanilie si zaharul se amesteca incet fara sa faca spuma.

Se adauga laptele , se omogenizeaza si se pune pe abur.Se amesteca incontinuu pana se ingroasa.

Se lasa crema la racit. Se bate frisca.

Cand crema este rece se amesteca cu frisca batuta.

nuca macinata

Se asambleaza in felul urmator, foaie, crema, foaie, crema, foaie

si ornam cu nuca macinata.


3 sheets are made

6 egg whites
6 tablespoons sugar
9 tablespoons ground nuts
3 tablespoons flour

It makes dough for 3 sheets.
Mix the egg white, add the sugar and mix until it becomes glossy.
Add nuts and stir.
Finally add the flour.
Place the baking sheet in the pan (20x30), place a third of the dough and bake 20-25 minutes at medium heat.
Remaining dough is placed in a refrigerator until will bake other sheet.
When baked sheet is put on the grill to cool.

6 egg yolks
6 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons milk
200 ml whipping cream

Yolks, vanilla and sugar mix gently without making foam.
Add milk, mix and put on steam. Stir constantly until thickened.
Allow the cream to cool. Beat the whipping cream.
When the cream is cold mix it with whipped cream.

ground nuts

It follows assembles, sheet cream sheet cream sheet
and garnish  with ground nuts.


  1. Este super delicioasa aceasta prajitura. O duminica placuta!

  2. Waa Rocsy ce surpriza !! Iti multumesc tare mult!!
    La fel si tie !! Te PUP!!


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