Bine ati venit pe blogul meu ! Va multumesc pentru ca mi-ati trecut pragul si sper ca retetele mele sa va inspire pentru a gati. Retetele vor fi in engleza si in romana. Va astept cu drag!!
WELCOME ON MY BLOG!! Thank you for visiting my blog, I hope that my recipes will inspire you for cooking. Recipes will be in English and Romanian as well! See you soon!
Hello my dears!!! After a long time I am back finaly. I missed to write , I missed you , I missed my blog. Even I don't have time now anymore like before, I am still cooking and baking :)). Now I brought you a nice cheesecake ,very easy to do it.
The best combination between sweet, crunchy and salty. Sponge with walnuts filled with salted caramel and cream. Combinatie perfecta dintre dulce, sarat si crocant. Pandispan cu nuci umplut cu caramel sarat si frisca.
My dears thats my cakes from january 2017 until now...i will try to write more often. I will put other sweets and food on another post... Cam acestea sunt torurile mele de la inceputul anului. Voi pune si dulciurile si mancarea in cate o postare...retete nu am scris..