Apple Sponge Cake-Tort Cu Mere
I am back with an easy and delicious cake. Apple sponge cake.
Servings: 10-12
Total time : 60 min
4-5 apples, depends on dimension
Butter for geasing the tray
Blackberry jam
6 ggs
A pinch of salt
6 TBS sugar
6TBS flour.
I used a 10" baking round tray(about 30 cm). Grease the tray with butter. Peel the apples, cut them in half and take off the middle with the seeds, making a hole with a spoon. In the hole place the blackberry jam and arrange them in a tray. Preheat the oven at 180 C, place the apples for 10-15 min to be soft.
Now we are doing the sponge. First of all, separate the whites and the yolks. Place in a bowl the egg whites with a inch of salt and mix them with a hand mixer until you get a foam. Add the sugar and mix again until the mixture is thick and shiny. After that pour the egg yolks and mix , in the end add the flour and mix with a spatula.
Pour the composition on the top of the apple and bake for 35-40 min. When is ready, let it cool few min, turn the cake upside down on a plate.
That is all!! Easy and tasty.
PORTII: 10-12
TIMP TOTAL: 60 min
4-5 mere(depinde de dmensiuni)
Unt pentru uns tava
Dulceata de mure
6 oua
Un praf de sare
6 linguri zahar
6 linguri faina
Ungem o tava rotunda cu unt(30 cm). Curatam merele de coaja, le taiem in jumatate si scoatem mijlocul cu o lingura. In mijlocul merelor punem dulceata de mure. Asezam merele in tava si le dam la cuptorul preincalzit la 180 C, pentru 10-15 min cat sa se inmoae.
Facem blatul. Separam albusele de galbenuse. Intr-un bol punem albusele cu un praf de sare si le mixam pana devin spuma, adaugam zaharul si mixam pana compozitia devine lucioasa. Adaugam galbenusurile si mixam iarasi, la final adaugam faina si amestecam cu o spatula.
Turnam ompozitia peste mere si coacem 35-40 min. Cand este gata lasam la racit cateva minute sio rasturnam pe un platou.
Da mie imi place !! :))