

3 oua
o cana de zahar
o cana de ulei
coaja de lamaie
esenta de vanilie
faina cat cuprinde
praf de copt

Se freaca ouale cu zaharul, se adauga uleiul putin cate putin,apoi se adauga coaja de lamaie,vanilia, praful de copt si faina.
Se framanta, se fac bobite se pun in tava si se dau la cuptor. Cand sunt reci se scobesc in mijloc.


Faramitele se amesteca cu dulceata cat sa nu fie nici prea moale nici prea tare.
Se dau prin sirop facut din apa zahar si esenta de rom . Eu le-am dat cu un pic de colorant, apoi le-am tavalit prin zahar. 


3 eggs
a cup of sugar
a cup of oil
lemon peel
vanilla essence
flour as much as we need
baking powder 5 gr

Mix eggs with sugar, add oil little by little, then add lemon zest, vanilla, baking powder and flour.
Knead and make little balls, the balls are put in the pan and bake  for 25-30 min. When they are baked  let them cool and hollow in the middle.

  Mix the crumbs with jam , enough to be neither too soft nor too hard. We fill the middle of balls and we paste them.
Put the balls in syrup not much ( Syrup it's made frum sugar, water and rum essence). I gave them a bit of color, then I wallow them on sugar.

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