Tortul este realizat din pandispan de cacao, rulada de vanilie cu crema de ciocolata si nuci, glazurat cu ciocolata.
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Pornind de la reteta AMALIEI am realizat tortul pian.
5 oua
5 linguri de zahar
5 linguri de nuca macinata
2 linguri cacao
3 linguri de faina
1 praf de copt
Albusurile batute spuma, se adauga zaharul, se bate bine pana devine o bezea lucioasa, se adauga galbenusurile , nuca macinata iar la final faina amestecata cu praful de copt. Se coace in tava cu diametrul de 28 cm , la foc potrivit 30-35 min. Se scoate si se lasa la racit pe gratar.
5 oua
4 linguri de zahar pudra
1 lingura ulei
2 linguri apa calda
4 linguri faina
1 praf de copt
Se mixeaza ouale cu zaharul pudra, se adauga, apa , uleiul iar apoi se incorporeaza faina amestecata cu praful de copt. Se coace in tava mare (30x40), la foc portivit cam 25- 50 min.
40 gr amidon
6 linguri zahar
esenta de vanilie
500 ml lapte
100 ml frisca lichida
Amestecam amidonul cu putin lapte , iar restul il punem la foc cu esenta de vanilie. Cand fierbe se pune amidonul si se amesteca incontinuu, pana se ingroasa. Se lasa la racit. Batem frisca bine si o incorporam in crema.
150 gr unt
100 gr ciocolata
6 linguri nuca macinata
Topim ciocolata cu o parte din unt la abur, apoi se adauga restul de unt si nuca macinata si se lasa la racit.
100 gr ciocolata
20 gr unt
1 lingura apa
Blatul se taie in doua.
Rulada o taiem fasii de 3 cm. Ungem cu crema de ciocolata si nuca, apoi
rulam fiecare fasie, punand-o pe urmatoarea fasie in continuare. Rulam
strans si obtinem o spirala mare pe care o asezam peste blat
Peste prima parte se pune crema alba, rulada ,crema alba ,partea a doua de plat si glazura
SPONGE 5 eggs 5 tablespoons sugar 5 tablespoons of ground nuts 2 tablespoons cocoa 3 tablespoons flour 10 gr baking powder Egg whites, add sugar, beating well until it becomes a glossy meringue, add the yolks, ground nuts and finally the flour mixed with baking powder. Bake in pan diameter 28 cm, in preheated oven for 30-35 minutes. Remove and let cool on the grill. Rolls: 5 eggs 4 tablespoons powdered sugar 1 tablespoon oil 2 tablespoons hot water 4 tablespoons flour 10 gr of baking powder Mix eggs with powdered sugar, add water, oil and then incorporate the flour mixed with baking powder. Bake in large roasting pan (30x40), on preheated oven at medium heat about 25- 50 minutes. CREAM dough: 40 g starch 6 tablespoons sugar vanilla essence 500 ml of milk 100 ml whipping cream Mix starch with a little milk and put it on fire with the rest of vanilla. When boiling put starch and mix continuously until it thickens. Allow to cool. Beat cream well and incorporate it into the cream. Cream Rolls 150 gr butter 100g chocolate 6 tablespoons ground nuts Melt chocolate with butter some steam, then add the remaining butter and ground nuts and let it cool. INCING 100g chocolate 20 g butter 1 tablespoon water Cut dough in half. Roll a cut strips of 3 cm. Brush with chocolate cream and nuts, then run the each strip, putting it on the next stretch further. We run a tight and get great spiral that sit above the countertop Over the first half of sponge put the white cream, the rolls, cream white, the second part of sponge and glaze |