50 gr unt
125 ml apa
2 linguri faina
1 lingura de zahar
1 praf de sare
2 oua
Apa, untul, sarea, zaharul se pun la foc , cand incep sa clocoteasca se adauga faina, amestecand bine sa nu se faca cocoloase pana se desprinde de pe oala.
Se lasa la racit. Apoi se incorporeaza ouale pe rand.
Se fac betisoare sau se pot face gramajoare cu lingura , se pun in tava cu hartie de copt si se dau la cuptorul preincalzit( foc mai mare) cam 25-30 min.
Se scot pe gratar si se lasa la racit, iar apoi se taie in doua.
150 ml lapte
1 lingura amidon
2 linguri zahar
esenta de vanilie
150 ml frisca
100 ml lapte, cu zaharul si esenta de vanilie se pun pe foc , amidonul se dizolva in laptele ramas, iar cand laptele de pe foc incepe sa clocoteasca se toarna amidonul amestecand continuu sa nu se faca cocoloase si se lasa la racit.
Frisca se bate si se incorporeaza in crema rece.
Se pune crema pe o parte de ecler , se acopera cu cealalta parte si se glazureaza.
50 ml frisca
50 gr ciocolata
Ciocolata si frisca se pun pe foc pana se omogenizeaza si se glazureaza eclerele.
50 g butter
125 ml water
2 tablespoons flour
1 tablespoon of sugar
1 pinch of salt
2 eggs
Water, butter, salt, sugar place on fire, when they start to boil add the flour, stirring well to not make lumps until it's detaching from the pot.
Allow to cool. Then incorporate the eggs one at a time.
We make sticks , place in pan with baking paper and give the preheated oven (fire higher) 25-30 min.
Remove from the oven and let it cool on a grill, then cut in half.
150 ml of milk
1 tablespoon starch
2 tablespoons sugar
vanilla essence
150 ml whipping cream
100 ml milk, sugar and vanilla put on fire, starch dissolves in remaining milk when starts to boil stirring constantly pour starch to not make lumps and leave to cool.
Beat the whipping cream and incorporate the cold cream.
Place cream eclair on hand, cover with the other part and glazed.
50 ml cream
50 gr chocolate
Chocolate and whipping cream put on the fire until smooth and glaze the eclair.
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