Tort cu nuca de cocos, branza si jeleu de portocale- Coconut and cream cheese cake

3 oua
4 linguri zahar
1 praf de sare
esenta de vanilie
2 linguri ulei
5 linguri de faina
2 linguri amidon
1 lingura nuca de cocos
jumate de plic praf de copt

Ouale , zaharul si sarea se bat bine cu mixerul( cam 10 min.). 

Se adauga esenta de vanilie si uleiul.

Apoi se incorporeaza faina,nuca de cocos, amidonul,si praful de copt care au fost amestecate in prealabil. 

Se da la cuptor in tava cu diametrul de 28 cm , cam 30 min  la cuptorul preincalzit la foc potrivit. 

Se scoate pe gratar sa se raceasca

400gr. crema de branza
400gr iaurt
  8 linguri zahar

esenta de vanilie
1 plic gelatina
  400 ml frisca lichida

Se mixeaza  branza, iaurtul, zaharul si esenta de vanilie.

 Se prepara gelatina, se bate frisca. Gelatina se toarna peste compozitia cu branza omogenizand apoi se adauga frisca batuta ,

 se amesteca bine si se pune peste blat  si se da la frigider.

200 ml suc de portocale,
 2 linguri zahar

Se pune sucul cu zaharul la fiert , pana se topeste zaharul. Se raceste si se insiropeaza blatul. 

800 ml suc de portocale
4 linguri amidon
4 linguri zahar. 

  Amidonul si 100 ml de suc de portocale se pun in castron si se amesteca cu telul . Celalalt suc ramas se pune la fiert cu zaharul, cand fierbe se toarna budinca, se lasa pana se ingroasa putin, Se pune la racit pana devine caldut, apoi se toarna peste branza, se acopera cu folie transparenta si se da la frigider.

Coconut cake, cheese and orange jelly 


  3 eggs 
  4 tablespoons sugar 
1 pinch of salt 
  vanilla extract
2 tablespoons oil 
5 tablespoons  flour 
2 tablespoons cornflour
1 tablespoon coconut 
half a sachet baking powder 

Eggs, sugar and salt with electric mixer beat well (about 10 min.). 
Add the vanilla and oil. 
Then incorporate the flour, coconut, cornflour, and baking powder wich were mixed in advance. 
Bake in pan with a diameter of 28 cm, about 30 minutes in preheated oven at medium heat. 
Put it on  the grill to cool 

  400gr. cream cheese 
400gr yogurt 
   8 tablespoons sugar 
  vanilla extract
  1 sachet gelatine 
   400 ml whipped cream 

Mix the cheese, yogurt, sugar and vanilla. 

  Prepare gelatine, whipped cream. Over the cheese cream we will put the wipped cream , will mix them , after that we will put the gelatin, mix again .We will put the cream over the sponge and will put it on the frige.

200 ml orange juice, 
2 tablespoons sugar 

Put the juice and sugar to a boil until sugar melts. Let it cool and  moist the sponge.

800 ml orange juice 
  4 tablespoons cornflour
4 tablespoons sugar. 

   Starch and 100 ml of orange juice place in bowl and mix with whisk. The other remaining juice boil with sugar,   when boiled addthe pudding , leave until it thickens slightly, let it cool until it becomes warm, then put over cream cheese, cover with foil and put it on frige.


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