2 foi cremes
3 oua
200 ml lapte
6 linguri zahar
esenta de vanilie
1 gelatina
200 ml frisca
zahar pudra
Galbenusurile se freaca cu 3 linguri de zahar si esenta de vanilie.
Se adauga laptele
si se pun pe foc pana se ingroasa.
Se lasa la racit. Se hidrateaza gelatina conform instucitunilor de pe ambalaj.
Albusurile se bat spuma cu restul de zahar .
Frisca se bate si ea.
Se adauga gelatina peste crema de oua si se omogenizeaza, apoi se adauga albusurile
, se amesteca , iar la final frisca.
Se pune crema intre foi ,
iar deasupra se pune zahar pudra.
2 sheets cremes
3 eggs
200 ml of milk
6 tablespoons sugar
vanilla essence
1 gelatin(10 gr)
200 ml whipping cream
powdered sugar
Rub the yolks 3 tablespoons sugar and vanilla.
Add milk
and put the fire until thick.
Allow to cool. It moisturizes gelatin as directed on package.
Mix the egg white with remaining sugar.
Beat the whipping cream.
Add the gelatin over cream eggs and mix, then add the egg whites
, Mix, and finally whipped cream.
Place cream between sheets,
and topped it with powdered sugar.
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