Friptura aromata de iepure
1 iepure
2 cepe
jumatate de telina
1 morcov
boabe de piper
2-3 frunze de dafin
piper macinat
200 ml vin rosu
6 feliute de slanina
1 capatana usturoi
Carnea de iepure se spala bine si se transeaza.
Facem baitul din : ceapa taiata solzisori , telina taiata felii, morcovul taiat felii, boabe de piper, sare, cimbru, piper macinat si vin. Punem carnea in bait si dam la frigider 2 ore, si mai amestecam din cand in cand.
Intr-o tava punem feliutele de slanina
, si turnam carnea cu baitul, deasupra se pune usturoiul taiat feliute .
Se acopera cu folie de aluminiu si se da la cuptor la foc potrivit 90 min, dupa care se scoate folie si se mai lasa 10-20 min sa se rumeneasca.
Roast flavor RABBIT
1 rabbit
2 onions
half of celery
1 carrot
2-3 leaves of the laurel
200 ml red wine
6 slices of bacon
1 clove garlic
Rabbit meat is washed and cut up.
We Baitul of: onion julienne, sliced celery, sliced carrot, pepper, salt, thyme, pepper and wine. We give the meat in the refrigerator bait and 2:00, and stir occasionally.
In a pan put slices of bacon
And pour meat stains, topped it with sliced garlic.
Cover with foil and bake heat for 90 minutes, then remove foil and let 10-20 minutes to brown.
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