Prajitura cu crema de lapte

3 oua
3 linguri zahar
2 linguri de faina
1 lingura cacao
1 lingurita praf de copt

Albusurile se bat spuma, se adauga zaharul si se mixeaza pana devine ca o bezea.

Se adauga galbenusurile si se omogenizeaza.Se adauga faina amestecata cu praful de copt

si la sfarsit cacaoa.

Se pune in tava(20x30) cu hartie de copt si se da la cuptorul preincalzit la foc potrivit 40min.

Se scoate pe gratar si se lasa la racit.

400 ml lapte
4 linguri zahar
2 linguri amidon
200 ml frisca lichida

Laptele cu zaharul se pune la fiert.

Oprim 50 ml lapte in care dizolvam amidonul.

Cand laptele clocoteste , turnam amidonul si amestecam continuu sa nu se faca cocoloase,pana se ingroasa.

Se lasa la racit.

Frisca se bate.

frisca se incorporeaza in crema de lapte rece.

1 lingurita de ness
1 lingura zahar
200 ml apa rece

Se amesteca toate la un loc.


Blatul se taie in doua , se insiropeaza o parte de blat ,

se pune jumatate de crema, apoi blat insiropat si iarasi crema.

Se orneaza cu ciocolata rasa

Cake with milk cream

3 eggs
3 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons flour
1 tablespoon cocoa
1 teaspoon baking powder

Mix the egg white, add the sugar and mix until it becomes like a meringue.
Add the egg yolks and mix. Add the flour mixed with baking powder
and finally cocoa.
Bake in (20x30) with baking paper and put it in the preheated oven heat for 40min.
Remove the grill and let it cool.

400 ml of milk
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons starch
200 ml whipping cream

Milk and sugar boil.
50 ml milk stop the dissolve starch.
When the milk boils, pour starch and mix continuously to not make lumps, until thickened.
Allow to cool.
Beat the whipping cream
whipped cream is incorporated in cold milk cream

1 teaspoon instant coffee
1 tablespoon sugar
200 ml cold water

Mix all together.

Cut dough in half,  moist with syrup one side of countertop,
put half the cream, then moist dough and cream again.
Garnish with grated chocolate


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