Impletitura cu branza- Braided sweet bread with chesse

O -mpletita cu branzica
Numai buna la gustarica ! :)
Rapida si delicioasa!
Pusa repede pe masa !

15-16 linguri de faina
3 linguri de zahar
un praf de sare
coaja de lamaie
2 oua
200-300 ml lapte caldut
20 gr drojdie proaspata
2 linguri ulei 

300-400 gr branza dulce
4-5 linguri de zahar
4 linguri de gris
Un ou pentru uns.

Faina, sarea, zaharul, coaja de lamaie si ouale se pun in castron.

Drojdia se dizolva in lapte caldut si se pune in castron.

Se adauga pe rand restul de lapte si se faramanata pana obtinem un aluat ce poate fi intins.

La final se adauga uleiul , se framanta pana se incorporeaza si se lasa la dospit 40-50 min.

Branza se amesteca cu zaharul si cu grisul.

Aluatul se taie in trei.

Fiecare parte se ia si se intinde.
Se pune branza,

si se ruleaza.

La final se impletesc rulourile obtinute.

Se pune impletitura in tava,

se unge cu ou si se da la cuptor la foc potrivit 40 min.


15-16 tablespoons flour
3 tablespoons sugar
a pinch of salt
lemon zest
2 eggs
200-300 ml of  lukewarm milk
7 gr of yeast( sachet)
2 tablespoons oil

300-400 gr curd cheese( soft cheese)
4-5 tablespoons sugar
4 tablespoons of coarse semolina
Egg for brush the sweet bread before we put it in the oven.

Flour, salt, sugar, lemon peel and eggs are put in the bowl. Dissolve yeast with 1 TBSP of sugar and 50 ml of lukewarm milk, leave it to raise for 10-15 min. Add it on top of the rest and start mixing them. Add the milk at the time and mix until we get a dough , then add the oil,  incorporate it in the composition, sprinkle flour on top and let it to raise about 40-50 min.
Place the cheese , sugar and semolina in a bowl and stir them together.
Cut the dough in 3 parts.
Each part is taken and stretched.
Put the cheese and roll it .
In the end put together all 3 rolls and braid them. Put the sweet bread in the tray with baking paper, brush it with a beaten egg, place it in the preheated oven at 170, bake for 40-50 min.


  1. Ce bunatate. As servi o bucatica daca mai ai!

  2. Multumesc Rocsy!! Te servesc cum sa nu !!

  3. Una felie pentru mine rogu-te,ca de nu-mi dai,fac urat!

    1. Nuuuuu , iti dau numai sa nu faci urat!! Pup si eu !

  4. Tare gustoasa trebuie sa fie, pupici :*

  5. Andreea, arata demential! Trebuie sa incerc si eu reteta!
    Imi place mult blogul tau, il bag la favorite!

    1. Vai de mine ce onoare!! Ma bucur foarte mult !!

  6. Foarte bine arata!! Mai ai o portie?!


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