Terina de salata de boeuf- Boeuf Salad Terrine

Terina din salata de boeuf...

3 pulpe de pui
4 morcovi
1 radacina patrunjel
1 radacina pastarnac
2 catrofi
6 castraveti murati

1 plic de gelatina

2 galbenusuri fierte
1 galbenus crud
2 linguri mustar
150-200 ml ulei
zeama de lamaie. 

Carnea, morcovii, pastranacul si parunjelul se pun la fiert. 
Cand sunt fierte se scot la racit , apoi se toaca marunt. Se toaca si castravetii murati.Se sareaza dupa gust .

Maioneza :Galbenusurile fierte se pun in castron si se piseaza cu furculita. 
Se adauga galbenusul crud , se amesteca , iar apoi se adauga mustarul si zeama de lamaie, se amesteca din nou sa se omogenizeze. 
Apoi se toarna uleiul putin cate putin mixand continuu, si tot asa pana cand maioneza nu curge din vas.

O parte din maioneza se amesteca cu legumele si carnea si se pune o parte din gelatina hirdrtata si preparata , dupa indicatiile de pe ambalaj. Deasupra se pune maioneza amestecata cu gelatina ramasa  si se da la frigider .



3 chicken thighs
4 carrots
 2 parsnip root
2 potatoes
6 pickled cucumbers
1 envelope of gelatin

2 yolks cooked
1 raw egg yolk
2 tablespoons mustard
150-200 ml of oil
lemon juice.

Meat, carrots, parsnip and parsley put to boil.
When cooked remove to cool, then chop finely. Chop pickled cucumbers as well. Add salt as much as you wish .
Mayonnaise: boiled yolks place in a bowl and crush with the fork.
Add the raw yolk, mix, then add mustard and lemon juice, mix again to homogenise.
Then pour the oil little by little continuous mixing, and so on until the mayonnaise does not flow out.
  A Part of mayonnaise mix with vegetables and meat and put half of gelatine prepared as the sachet says. Topped it with mayonnaise mixed with the other half of gelatine and refrigerate.


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