Placinta cu dovleac- Butternut Squash Pie

 Dupa cum am spus ultima data am facut si o placinta din ultimul dovleac :)

Este foarte simpla si foarte buna.

5 linguri smantana
un praf de sare
2-3 linguri zahar
esenta de vanilie Dr.Oetker
un ou 
2 linguri ulei 
un praf de copt Dr. Oetker
faina cat cuprinde

500 gr de dovleac ras
5-6 linguri zahar

Incepem cu umplutura: Dovleacul se pune la calit cu zaharul si scortisoara pana se inmoaie si se lasa la racit.
Facem aluatul: Smantana , zaharul, esenta de vanilie, praful de sare , oul si uleiul se amesteca toate la un loc.Se pun 2-3 linguri de faina amestecate cu praful de copt si se incorporeaza, apoi se adauga faina pe rand pana obtinem un aluat ce poate fi intins.Se imparte in doua , se intinde foaie , se pune in tava cu hartie de copt, umplutura si cealalta foaie , se inteapa cu furculita si se da la cuptor 40 -50 min la foc potrivit pana se rumeneste.

 Butternut Squash Pie

5 tablespoons sour cream
Pinch of salt
2 to 3 tablespoons sugar
vanilla essence Dr.Oetker
an egg
2 tablespoons oil
Dr. Oetker baking powder
flour as much as we need

500 gr grated butternut squash
5-6 tablespoons sugar

We start with the filling: put butternut squash to cook with sugar and cinnamon until it will  soft and let it cool.
We make the dough: sour cream, sugar, vanilla essence, pinch of salt, egg and oil, mix all together. Place 2-3 tablespoons of flour mixed with baking powder and incorporate, then add the flour at a time until we get a dough that can be stretched. It is divided into two, stretch sheet, place in pan with baking paper, fill and other sheet. Prick with fork and bake 40 -50 minutes on medium heat until it will be golden- brown.


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