Cheesecake cu capsuni- Strawberry cheesecake

Va prezint un desert care noua ne place ...Cheesecake cu capsuni

"Capsunici si branzica
Pentru o buna gustarica"!

Portii: 4 
Timp total : 2 hr

400 gr branza de vaci 
6 linguri de zahar
esenta de vanilie Dr.Oetker
un plic de gelatina Dr. Oetker
200 ml frisca batuta

Capsunile se spala si se taie felii si se pun in forme rotunde de mousse. Branza se amesteca bine cu zaharul si esenta de vanilie , pana obtinem o pasta fina. Se amesteca cu frisca batuta. Iar la final amestecam cu gelatina dizolvata conform instructiunilor de pe ambalaj. Punem in forme si dam la frigider.


Cheesecake with strawberries 

Servings: 4 
Total time: 2 hr 

400 gr soft cheese 
6 tablespoons of sugar 
vanilla Dr.Oetker 
an envelope of gelatin Dr. Oetker 
200 ml whipped cream 


Wash strawberries and slice and place in round shape mousse. Cheese mix well with sugar and vanilla until we get a fine paste. Mix with whipped cream. And finally dissolved gelatin prepare it  as is wrote  on package. We put  in forms and put on  the fridge.


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