Pui umplut cu legume si kaiser
Puiul umplut totdeauna este minunat , mai ales ca este dat cu miere si rumenit ...
"Puiul umplut
Intotdeuna ne-a placut
In fiecare casa
Este o masa gustoasa "!
Portii: 8
Timp total :2 hr
1 pui (1-1,5 kg)
1 kg legume mexicane
3-4 cartofi
200 gr kaiser
praf de usturoi
100 ml apa
1 lingura miere
2 morcovi
1 lingura ulei
Puiul se spala si s sterge cu un servet.Cartofii, morcovii se curata si se taie rondele, se pune putin ulei si se aseaza in tava.Se amesteca sarea, piperul, boiaua si praful de usturoi.Puiul se unge in interior , se condimenteaza si se umple cu o parte din legume si cu kaiserul taiat cubulete, iar restul de legume se pun in tava.Se coase puiul cu ata.Se unge puiul si se condimenteaza cu amestecul de condimente.Se pune in tava, se adauga apa, se acopera cu folie de aluminiu si se da la cuptorul preincalzit , la foc potrivit 40 min.Se scoate se da folia jos , se unge cu miere si se mai da 10-15 min la cuptor sa se rumeneasca , dupa se intoarce pe partea cealalta, se unge cu miere si se mai lasa 10-15 min.
stuffed chicken with vegetables and bacon
1 chicken (1-1.5 kg)
1 kg vegetables Mexican
3-4 potatoes
200 gr bacon
Garlic powder
100 ml water
1 tablespoon honey
2 carrots
1 tablespoon oil
Chicken wash and wipe with a paper towel. Potatoes, carrots, peel and cut into rings, add some oil and place in a tray. Mix salt, pepper, paprika and garlic powder. Chicken grease inside, season and filled with some diced vegetables and bacon, and the remaining vegetables are placed in the tray. The chicken sew thread. Brush the chicken and season with spice mixture. Place in pan, add water, cover with aluminum foil and put it in preheated oven at medium heat 40 minutes. Remove the foil is given below grease with honey and give 10-15 minutes in the oven to brown, then turns to the other side, grease with honey and let 10-15 minutes.
"Puiul umplut
Intotdeuna ne-a placut
In fiecare casa
Este o masa gustoasa "!
Portii: 8
Timp total :2 hr
1 pui (1-1,5 kg)
1 kg legume mexicane
3-4 cartofi
200 gr kaiser
praf de usturoi
100 ml apa
1 lingura miere
2 morcovi
1 lingura ulei
Puiul se spala si s sterge cu un servet.Cartofii, morcovii se curata si se taie rondele, se pune putin ulei si se aseaza in tava.Se amesteca sarea, piperul, boiaua si praful de usturoi.Puiul se unge in interior , se condimenteaza si se umple cu o parte din legume si cu kaiserul taiat cubulete, iar restul de legume se pun in tava.Se coase puiul cu ata.Se unge puiul si se condimenteaza cu amestecul de condimente.Se pune in tava, se adauga apa, se acopera cu folie de aluminiu si se da la cuptorul preincalzit , la foc potrivit 40 min.Se scoate se da folia jos , se unge cu miere si se mai da 10-15 min la cuptor sa se rumeneasca , dupa se intoarce pe partea cealalta, se unge cu miere si se mai lasa 10-15 min.
stuffed chicken with vegetables and bacon
1 chicken (1-1.5 kg)
1 kg vegetables Mexican
3-4 potatoes
200 gr bacon
Garlic powder
100 ml water
1 tablespoon honey
2 carrots
1 tablespoon oil
Chicken wash and wipe with a paper towel. Potatoes, carrots, peel and cut into rings, add some oil and place in a tray. Mix salt, pepper, paprika and garlic powder. Chicken grease inside, season and filled with some diced vegetables and bacon, and the remaining vegetables are placed in the tray. The chicken sew thread. Brush the chicken and season with spice mixture. Place in pan, add water, cover with aluminum foil and put it in preheated oven at medium heat 40 minutes. Remove the foil is given below grease with honey and give 10-15 minutes in the oven to brown, then turns to the other side, grease with honey and let 10-15 minutes.
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