Prajitura cu mousse de capsuni-Strawberry Mousse Cake

Este sezonul capsunilor si am facut o  prajitura delicioasa cu mousse de capsuni.

Cu aceasta reteta particip la "Campania de sarbatoare" pe blogul Lilianei
"Prajitura cu mousse 
Buna pentru orice gust !"

Portii: 16
Timp total 1hr 30 min

4 oua
2 linguri ulei 
4 linguri de zahar 
5 linguri de faina 
un plic praf de copt Dr.Oetker

150 ml apa 
1 lingura zahar 
esenta de vanilie Dr.Oetker

200 gr capsuni 
4 linguri zahar 
250 ml frisca lichida
un plic gelatina Dr.Oetker
4 linguri apa

Blat: Ouale intregi se bat cu zaharul pana isi dubleaza volumul . Adaugam uleiul si mixam bine , la final adaugam faina amestecata cu praful de copt si amestecam cu spatula de sus in jos. Punem compozitia in tava(20x30)cu hartie de copt si dam la cuptorul preincalzit la foc potrivit 30 -35 min. Scoatem si lasam la racit.
Sirop: Amestecam apa cu zaharul pana se topeste si adaugam esenta de vanilie
Crema: Capsunile se spala si se zdrobesc cu fruculita, punem zaharul si le punem pe foc potrivit pana se leaga ca o dulceata si lasam la racit. Cand s-au racit le pasam cu blender-ul si amestecam cu frisca batuta. Hidratam gelatina in 4 linguri de apa lasam 5 min, apoi o punem la topit pe abur si punem peste crema.
Asamblare: Blatul se taie in doua(o taietura) se insiropeaza, se pune o parte de blat jumatate de crema , blat si iarasi crema . Se da la frigider.
Se orneaza cu capsuni sau ciocolata sau si una si alta :)

Strawberry mousse cake

Servings: 16
Total time 1hr 30 min
4 eggs
2 tablespoons oil
4 tablespoons of sugar
5 tablespoons of flour
1 sachet baking powder Dr.Oetker

150 ml water
1 tablespoon sugar
vanilla essence Dr.Oetker

200 g strawberries
4 tablespoons sugar
250 ml whipped cream
1 sachet gelatine Dr.Oetker
4 tablespoons water

 Sponge: Beat the eggs with the sugar until doubled in volume. Add oil and mixing well, finally add the flour mixed with baking powder and mix with spatula from top to bottom. Put the mixture into the pan (20x30) with baking paper and give the preheated oven heat for 30 -35 min. Remove and let cool.

Syrup: Mix the water and sugar until it melts and add vanilla

Cream: Strawberries washed and crushed with a fork, put the sugar and put them on medium heat until it is like the jam and let cool. When they cool they pass it to the blender and mix with whipped cream. Hydrate gelatin in 4 tablespoons of water leave for 5 minutes, then put  to melt on  steam and put over cream.

Assembly: Cut the sponge in half (a cut) and moist it , put a part of sponge then a part of cream, sponge and cream again. Put the cake in the fridge.

Garnish with strawberry or chocolate or both: :)


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