Prajitura in 4 culori- 4 Colours Cake

Dragilor astazi va prezint o prajitura minunata de mare succes, desi este de lucru putin la ea ..

"Nuca, nuca si iar nuca
Pentru prajitura buna
Cu crema de vanilie
Pentru a rasfata papilele !"

2 oua
un praf de sare
1 lingura ulei
1 lingura cacao
1 lingura faina
1/2 plic praf de copt Dr.Oetker

Fiecare Foaie:
2 albusuri
un praf de sare
2 linguri zahar
2 linguri nuca macinata
jumatate de lingura de faina

4 galbenusuri
5 linguri de zahar
500 ml lapte
5 linguri amidon Gustin(Dr.Oetker)
esenta de vanilie Dr.Oetker
250 ml frisca lichida
100 gr miez de nuca

200 ml frisca batuta 
sos de ciocolata (comert)

Blat cacao:
Albusurile se bat spuma cu praful de sare, punem zaharul si mixam pana devin lucioase, apoi adaugam galbenusurile frecate cu ulei , iar la final adaugam faina amestecata cu cacaoa si praful de copt. Amestecam de jos in sus si punem in tava(20x30) cu hartie de copt. Dam la cuptorul preincalzit 30-40 min, apoi scoatem si lasam la racit pe gratar.
Foile de nuca:

 Albusurile se bat spuma cu praful de sare, adaugam zaharul si mixam pana devin lucioase, apoi adauga nuca macinata si amestecam cu o spatula. La final punem faina , amestecam tot cu spatula si punem in tava(20x30) cu hartie de copt. Lasam la cuptor pana se rumeneste si scoaptem pe gratar la racit.
La fel procedam si cu foaia cealalta.

Galbenusurile le frecam cu zaharul si esenta de vanilie, adaugam 400 ml lapte peste ele , omogenizam si punem pe foc. Amidonul il dizolvam in cele 100 ml lapte ramas. Cand laptele de pe foc clocoteste , turnam amidonul amestecand continuu pana se ingroasa. Se lasa la racit .Cand este rece amestecam cu frisca batuta si cu miezul de nuca.

Pe un platou punem o foaie de nuca, jumatate de crema, blatul negru , crema , iarasi foaie de nuca si deasupra frisca batuta si ornam .


2 eggs
a pinch of salt
1 tablespoon oil
1 tablespoon cocoa
1 tablespoon flour
1 teaspoon baking powder


Each Sheet:
2 whites
a pinch of salt
2 tablespoons old
2 tablespoons ground walnuts
half a tablespoon of flour

4 egg yolks
5 tablespoons sugar
500 ml milk
5 tablespoons cornflour
vanilla extract
250 ml double cream
100 gr of walnuts cores
200 ml of whipped cream
chocolate sauce (from the shops)
Cocoa Sponge:
 Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until yo get a thick foam , put the sugar and mix until they become glossy, then add the rubbed yolks with oil, and finally add the flour mixed with cocoa and baking powder. Mix from the bottom up and put in the tray (20x30) with baking paper. Bake in preheated oven 30-40 min, then remove and leave to cool on the rack.
Walnuts sheets:
Beat the egg whites with the salt until we get a foam, add the sugar and mix until they become glossy, then add the ground walnuts and mix with a spatula. At the end we put the flour, mix everything with the spatula and put in the tray (20x30) with baking paper. We leave it in the oven until it is brown and let it cool on a rack. We'll do the same with the other sheet.
The yolks are rubbed with sugar and vanilla essence, add 400 ml milk over them, homogenize and put on fire. We dissolve the cornflour with the remaining 100 ml milk. When the milk on the heat boils, pour the cornflour,  continuously stirring until thickened. Allow to cool. When cold, mix with the whipped cream and walnut cores cut into pieces already.
On a platter place a sheet of walnut, half cream, cocoa sponge, cream, walnut sheet again and over the whipped cream and chocolate sauce.


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