Rulori de pui in foietaj- Puff Pastry Chicken Rolls

Rulori de pui , altfel

"Un rulou, doua, trei
Posti servi langa ce vrei :)"

Portii: 8 
Timp total : 1 hr 

400 gr aluat foietaj
un piept de pui
150 gr sunca
150 gr cascaval Delaco
praf de usturoi

Pieptul de pui il feliem , feliem si cascavalul , sunca o taiem bucati in functie de lungimea pieptului de pui.
Pieptul de pui il batem , il condimentam cu sare , curry si praf de usturoi. Punem felie de sunca , cascaval si rulam, apoi intindem aluatul foietaj si taiem patrate. Punem ruloul de pui in aluat si rulam,intepam din loc in loc si punem in tava cu hartie de copt, dam la cuptorul preincalzit la foc potrivit 20-30 min.
P.S. Daca doriti puteti sa ungeti rulourile cu ou bataut.

Chicken rolls in pastry dough

Servings: 8
Total time: 1 hr

400 gr pastry dough
a chicken breast
150 gr ham
150 gr cheese Delaco
garlic powder

Chicken breast you will  slice it , slice the cheese also ,  cut the ham like the chicken breast. Beat the chicken breast with breaded hammerseasoned with salt, curry and garlic powder. We strech the dough , we will cut it in sqares. In the dough we will put a slice of chicken breast, ham and cheese and we will roll. We will put the rolls in a tray with baking paper, and will bake them on preheated oven for 25-30 min , on medium heat.


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