Tort cu nuca- Walnuts Sponge Cake

Tort cu nuca, zahar topit, crema de vanilie ,o minunatie de tort. 

"14 ani impreuna,
 prin bune si prin rele am trecut de mana 
Drumul sa ne fie incununat cu dragoste si fericire
 De acum o vesnicie !!!"

Portii: 16
Timp Total :1 hr 30 min

6 oua
un praf de sare
6 linguri zahar
3 linguri ulei
6 linguri nuca macinata
5 linguri faina
un praf de copt Dr.Oetker

500 ml lapte
5 linguri zahar
esenta de vanilie Dr.Oetker
5 linguri amidon Gustin (Dr.Oetker)
100 gr miez de nuca
2 linguri zahar pentru caramelizat
250 ml frisca lichida

200 ml apa
2 linguri zahar
esenta de rom Dr.Oetker.

200-250 ml frisca lichida batuta

Albusurile le batem spuma cu un praf de sare, adaugam zaharul si mixam pana devin lucioase, adaugam galbenusurile frecate cu uleiul. Adaugam nuca macinata si amestecam cu o spatula, la final adaugam faina amaestecata cu praful de copt si omogenizam. Punem in tava(20x30) cu hartie de copt si dam la cuptorul preincalzit la foc potrivit 35-40 min. Scoatem blatul si il lasam la racit.
 Topim cele 2 linguri de zahar si il intindem pe foaie de copt in strat subtire si lasam la racit. Miezul de nuca il maruntim. 400 ml lapte cu zaharul si esenta de vanilie il punem la foc , iar celelalte 100 de ml lapte le folosim pentru a dizolva amidonul. Cand laptele de pe foc clocoteste turnam amidonul si amestecam continuu pana se ingroasa si lasam la racit. Batem frisca si incorporam in crema rece, apoi adaugam miezul de nuca si zaharul topit macinat sau maruntit.
 In apa se dizolva zaharul si se adauga esenta de rom.


 Blatul se taie in 3 ( 2 taieturi). Se insiropeaza o parte din blat, punem jumatate de crema, blar insiropat, crema, blat iar deasupra il imbracam in frisca.


6 eggs
a pinch of salt
6 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons oil
6 tablespoons ground walnuts
5 tablespoons flour
a baking powder sachet or 1 teaspoon

500 ml milk
5 tablespoons sugar
vanilla extract, few drops
5 tablespoons cornflour
100 gr of walnut kernel
2 tablespoons sugar for caramelized
250 ml double cream

200 ml water
2 TBSP sugar
rum extract, few drops or rum.

200-250 ml double cream

Beat the  whites with a pinch of salt until we have a firm foam, add the sugar and mix until they become glossy, add the rubbed yolks with the oil. Add the ground nut and mix with a spatula, finally add the flour mixed with baking powder and mix. Put in the tray (20x30) with baking paper and place in the preheated oven for 35-40 min. We remove the sponge and leave it to cool.
 Melt the 2 tablespoons of sugar and spread it on the baking sheet in a thin layer and leave to cool. The walnut core is chopped. We put 400 ml milk with sugar and vanilla extract on the heat, and the other 100 ml milk we use to dissolve the cornflour. When the milk almost start to boil, pour the cornflour and stir constantly until thickened and leave to cool. Whisk the cream and add in the cold cream, then add the crushed walnuts and crushed or minced melted sugar.
 In the water add  the sugar, rum extract and stir them until the sugar is dissolved.

 The sponge is cut into 3 (2 cuts). A part of the moist sponge, we put half the cream, another layer of sponge,  the cream, the top layer and we coat it with whipped cream.


  1. Torturile cu nuca si crema de vanilie sunt asa delicioase. Sa ai o saptamana buna!

  2. Asa este Rocsy!! Si noua ne plac !! O saptamana frumoasa si tie!!

  3. FELICITARI dragii mei si inca 75 de ani macar inainte ! Sa fiti sanatosi si sa va iubiti ca acum !
    Tortul cu nuca este printre favoritele mel, asa ca de la mine ai numai felicitari !
    Te tzuc !

  4. Sidy multumim tare mult!! La fel si tie ! si da si la noi tortul cu nuca este preferat!

    1. Buna..inloc de frisca s-ar putea folosi smintina de casa..nustiu ce grasime are..felicitari..imi place ce faceti aici.imi plac recetele.pozele.

    2. Da se poate folosi smantana de casa ca sa faceti frisca!


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