Papanasi 2- Cheese Doughnut2
Mmmm ce bunatate , mi-a facut Albert Bertoni, o pofta , si am facut..
"Papanasi cu dulceata si smantana
Sa tot mananci intruna!"
Portii: 4
Timp total: 40-50 min.
300-400 gr branza de vaci
4-5 linguri de zahar pudra Coronita
esenta de vanilie
bicarbonat Dr.Oetker
2 oua
faina cat cuprinde
dulceata de capsuni proaspata
ulei pentru prajit
Branza se amesteca cu zaharul pudra si esenta de vanilie, adaugam ouale si omogenizam . Incepem sa punem 2-3 linguri faina amestecata cu bicarbonat (putem sa il dizolvam cu putina zeama de lamaie).Adaugam faina pana obtinem un aluat ce poate fi intins.
Intindem foaie nu subtire (1-2 cm ), taiem forma rotunda si in mijlocul il decupa tot cu forma rotunda mica.Din forma mica se fac bilutele.
Se pun la prajit.
Pentru dulceata am folosit 200 gr capsuni , 2-3 linguri zahar. Punem la fiert pana se inmoaie capsunile apoi lasam la racit si pasam capsunile.
Se pune pe farfurie rotundul cu gaura , in gaura se pune dulceata , se pune biluta , se pune dulceata , smantana si dulceata.
Servings: 4
Total time: 40-50 minutes.
300-400 gr soft cheese
4-5 tablespoons powdered sugar wreath
bicarbonate Dr.Oetker
2 eggs
flour as much as we need
fresh strawberry jam
sour cream
oil for frying
Mix cheese with sugar and vanilla, add eggs and blend. We begin to put 2-3 tablespoons flour mixed with bicarbonate (we can dissolve it with a little lemon juice). Add flour to get a dough that can be stretched.
Not stretched thin sheet (1-2 cm), cut a round shape in the middle of it all cut with small round shape. From the shape of small balls are made.
Place the fried.
For sweetness I used 200 gr strawberries 2-3 tablespoons sugar. We boiled until soft and then let it cool and we pass it.
Place on plate round shape with hole, put jam in the hole, place the ball and put jam and sour cream or cream fraiche.
"Papanasi cu dulceata si smantana
Sa tot mananci intruna!"
Portii: 4
Timp total: 40-50 min.
300-400 gr branza de vaci
4-5 linguri de zahar pudra Coronita
esenta de vanilie
bicarbonat Dr.Oetker
2 oua
faina cat cuprinde
dulceata de capsuni proaspata
ulei pentru prajit
Branza se amesteca cu zaharul pudra si esenta de vanilie, adaugam ouale si omogenizam . Incepem sa punem 2-3 linguri faina amestecata cu bicarbonat (putem sa il dizolvam cu putina zeama de lamaie).Adaugam faina pana obtinem un aluat ce poate fi intins.
Intindem foaie nu subtire (1-2 cm ), taiem forma rotunda si in mijlocul il decupa tot cu forma rotunda mica.Din forma mica se fac bilutele.
Se pun la prajit.
Pentru dulceata am folosit 200 gr capsuni , 2-3 linguri zahar. Punem la fiert pana se inmoaie capsunile apoi lasam la racit si pasam capsunile.
Se pune pe farfurie rotundul cu gaura , in gaura se pune dulceata , se pune biluta , se pune dulceata , smantana si dulceata.
Cheese (Donut)
Servings: 4
Total time: 40-50 minutes.
300-400 gr soft cheese
4-5 tablespoons powdered sugar wreath
bicarbonate Dr.Oetker
2 eggs
flour as much as we need
fresh strawberry jam
sour cream
oil for frying
Mix cheese with sugar and vanilla, add eggs and blend. We begin to put 2-3 tablespoons flour mixed with bicarbonate (we can dissolve it with a little lemon juice). Add flour to get a dough that can be stretched.
Not stretched thin sheet (1-2 cm), cut a round shape in the middle of it all cut with small round shape. From the shape of small balls are made.
Place the fried.
For sweetness I used 200 gr strawberries 2-3 tablespoons sugar. We boiled until soft and then let it cool and we pass it.
Place on plate round shape with hole, put jam in the hole, place the ball and put jam and sour cream or cream fraiche.
Ce bine arata!!
ReplyDeleteMultumesc Rocsy!!