Tort "Mickey Mouse"- Mickey Mouse Birthcake
Tort cu Mickey , pentru vecinutul meu ..
8 oua
un praf de sare
4 linguri ulei
8 linguri zahar
8 linguri faina
un praf de copt Dr.Oetker
500 ml lapte
5 linguri zahar
3-4 linguri nesquick
5 linguri amidon Gustin(Dr.Oetker)
250 ml frisca lichida
Crema de unt pentru uns inainte de a pune pasta de zahar
Pasta de zahar pentru imbracat si ornat
Retetele le aveti AICI
8 eggs
Pinch of salt
4 tablespoons oil
8 tablespoons sugar
8 tablespoons flour
baking powder Dr.Oetker
500 ml of milk
5 tablespoons sugar
3-4 tablespoons Nesquick
5 tablespoons starch Gustin (Dr.Oetker)
250 ml whipped cream
Cream butter greased before putting sugar paste
Sugar paste for garnish
You have recipes HERE
8 oua
un praf de sare
4 linguri ulei
8 linguri zahar
8 linguri faina
un praf de copt Dr.Oetker
500 ml lapte
5 linguri zahar
3-4 linguri nesquick
5 linguri amidon Gustin(Dr.Oetker)
250 ml frisca lichida
Crema de unt pentru uns inainte de a pune pasta de zahar
Pasta de zahar pentru imbracat si ornat
Retetele le aveti AICI
8 eggs
Pinch of salt
4 tablespoons oil
8 tablespoons sugar
8 tablespoons flour
baking powder Dr.Oetker
500 ml of milk
5 tablespoons sugar
3-4 tablespoons Nesquick
5 tablespoons starch Gustin (Dr.Oetker)
250 ml whipped cream
Cream butter greased before putting sugar paste
Sugar paste for garnish
You have recipes HERE
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