Cupcakes cu crema de vanilie si capsuni - Vanilla and strawberry cupcakes
"Eu de ele m-am ferit
Dar in final am reusit
Ornate sau cu capsuni
Sunt adevarate minuni
Ornate cu ori ce creme
Bune in orice vreme!"
Portii: 1
Timp total:1 hr
2 + 1/2 pahar de faina
1/2 lingurita sare
1 lingurita praf de copt Dr.Oetker1 pahar lapte caldut spre fierbinte3 oua la temperatura camerei100 gr unt moale, usor incalzit (nu topit)1 pahar zaharesenta de vanilie150 gr capsuni
300 ml lapte
esenta de vanilie
3 linguri zahar
3 linguri amidon Gustin Dr.Oetker
150 ml frisca lichida
Capsunile se piseaza .
Amestecam intr-un bol incapator faina, praful de copt si sarea.
Ouale se bat spuma (albus + galbenus + 1 lg zahar)Intr-un alt bol mixam untul cu zaharul pana devine cremos (3-5 minute) dupa care adaugam vanilia si ouale batute.Adaugam in mixul de unt 1/2 din cantitatea de faina, apoi 1/2 din cantitatea de lapte. Adaugam si cealalta jumatate de faina si amestecam pana ce obtinem un aluat omogen si pufos dupa care adaugm si restul de lapte fierbinte, mixand inca 2 min. La final adaugam capsunile si amestecam bine.Cu o lingura luam aluatul si il punem in forme, lasand un pic de loc sa creasca.Se coc la cuptorul preincalzit la foc potrivit 30-35 min.
200 ml lapte se pune la fiert cu zaharul si esenta de vanilie. Amidonul se dizolva in restul de lapte. Cand laptele fierbe turnam amidonul si amestecam continuu pana se ingroasa. Crema se lasa la racit. Frisca lichida se bate si se incorporeaza in crema.
Se orneaza dupa bunul plac!!
Cupcakes with vanilla cream and strawberries
Servings: 1
Total time: 1 hr
2 + 1/2 cup of flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder Dr.Oetker
1 cup warm milk to hot
3 eggs at room temperature
100g soft butter, slightly warmed (not melted)
1 cup sugar
150 g strawberries
300 ml of milk
vanilla extract
3 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons starch Gustin Dr.Oetker
150 ml whipped cream
Crush the strawberries with a fork.
Mix in a roomy bowl flour, baking powder and salt!
Beat the eggs until will be like a foam (egg white + yolk + 1 TBS sugar)
In another bowl mix the butter with sugar until will be creamy (3-5 minutes) then add vanilla and beaten eggs.
In the mixed butter add half of flour, then half the quantity of milk. Add the other half of the flour and mix until you get a dough and fluffy then add the rest of hot milk, mixing another 2 min. Finally add the strawberries and mix well.
With a spoon take the dough and put it in shape, we will let a little space to grow.
Bake in preheated oven 30-35 minutes on medium heat.
200 ml milk boil with the sugar and vanilla. The starch was dissolved in the remaining milk. When the milk boils put the starch and stir continuously until will be thicken. The Cream will let it cool. Beat cream with a mixer and incorporate it the cream.
Garnish like you want!!
Doamne cat de bine arata ! Si oare ce mi-as putea dori mai mult, dacat aceasta crema de vanilie cu niste capsuni pe linga ea....!
ReplyDeleteUn adevarat rasfat !
Te tzuc Dea !
Multumesc Sidy draga !! Ssi eu te pup!!