Placinte taranesti pe tigaie- Chesse Pies On Frypan
Buna seara dragii mei , cam de mult timp nu am mai scris, caci am avut o perioada grea..
" Din batrani placinte bune
Sunt cu branza, va pot spune
Pe tigaie sunt facute
Repede sunt rumenite"
Portii: 1
Timp Total: 1 hr
10 linguri de faina
1 lingura de zahar
un praf de sare
jumatate de pachetel de drojdie proaspata
apa calda cat cuprinde.
ulei pentru uns tigaia
200-300 gr branza de vaci
3-4 linguri de zahar
un ou
Incepem cu aluatul. Punem in castron faina, sarea si zaharul . Drojdia o dizolvam in apa calduta si o punem peste faina. Adauga apa pe rand pana obtinem un aluat care nu curge si poate fi rupt cu lingura . Acoperim cu un servet si lasam la caldura sa dospeasca pana isi dubleaza volumul.
Intre timp facem umplutura: Amestecam branza bine bine cu zaharul si oul.
Preseram masa de lucru cu faina , rupem o bucata din aluat si o intindem , in mijloc punem o lingura de branza dupa care taiem aluatul in raze , pe care le aducem in mijloc apoi intindem cu sucitorul.
Ungem tigaia cu ulei si le rumenim cate 2 min pe fiecare parte.
Servings: 1
Total time: 1 hr
10 tablespoons of flour
1 tablespoon sugar
Pinch of salt
half a sachet of fresh yeast
luke warm water how much we need
oil grease the pan
200-300 gr cheese
3-4 tablespoons of sugar
an egg
We start with the dough. Put in bowl flour, salt and sugar. Dissolve yeast in warm water and put it in the flour. Add water to get the dough that do not flows and can be broken with a spoon. Cover the dough with a towel and let it leaven until it doubles its volume.
Meanwhile, make the filling: Mix the cheese with sugar and egg well.
Put flour on a work surface, break a piece of dough and stretch, in the middle put a tablespoon of cheese then cut dough into rays after that bring them in the middle and stretch with rolling pin.
Brush the pan with oil and browned them by 2 min on each side.
" Din batrani placinte bune
Sunt cu branza, va pot spune
Pe tigaie sunt facute
Repede sunt rumenite"
Portii: 1
Timp Total: 1 hr
10 linguri de faina
1 lingura de zahar
un praf de sare
jumatate de pachetel de drojdie proaspata
apa calda cat cuprinde.
ulei pentru uns tigaia
200-300 gr branza de vaci
3-4 linguri de zahar
un ou
Incepem cu aluatul. Punem in castron faina, sarea si zaharul . Drojdia o dizolvam in apa calduta si o punem peste faina. Adauga apa pe rand pana obtinem un aluat care nu curge si poate fi rupt cu lingura . Acoperim cu un servet si lasam la caldura sa dospeasca pana isi dubleaza volumul.
Intre timp facem umplutura: Amestecam branza bine bine cu zaharul si oul.
Preseram masa de lucru cu faina , rupem o bucata din aluat si o intindem , in mijloc punem o lingura de branza dupa care taiem aluatul in raze , pe care le aducem in mijloc apoi intindem cu sucitorul.
Ungem tigaia cu ulei si le rumenim cate 2 min pe fiecare parte.
Pies on pan
Servings: 1
Total time: 1 hr
10 tablespoons of flour
1 tablespoon sugar
Pinch of salt
half a sachet of fresh yeast
luke warm water how much we need
oil grease the pan
200-300 gr cheese
3-4 tablespoons of sugar
an egg
We start with the dough. Put in bowl flour, salt and sugar. Dissolve yeast in warm water and put it in the flour. Add water to get the dough that do not flows and can be broken with a spoon. Cover the dough with a towel and let it leaven until it doubles its volume.
Meanwhile, make the filling: Mix the cheese with sugar and egg well.
Put flour on a work surface, break a piece of dough and stretch, in the middle put a tablespoon of cheese then cut dough into rays after that bring them in the middle and stretch with rolling pin.
Brush the pan with oil and browned them by 2 min on each side.
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