Musaca de cartofi-Potatoes Moussaka

Musaca de cartofi.. Am facut putin altfel, adica in compozitia de carne am adaugat smantana...
"Din cartofi si carne tocataAm facut o musaca indata!"

Portii: 6
Timp total:1 hr 

6-8 cartofi potriviti
500 gr carne tocata de porc 
1 ceapa
100 gr smantana
1 ou+ 3-4 linguri smantana.
unt pentru uns tava de yena

Cartofii se pun la fiert. Cand s-au fiert se curata de coaja si se taie felii. In acest timp pregatim carnea. Tocam ceapa si o punem la calit, apoi adaugam carnea tocata si o lasam pana isi schimba culoarea. Se condimenteaza cu sare si piper, adaugam smantana si lasa la racit. 
 Tava se unge cu unt, se aseaza in tava un rand de cartofi , un rand de carne si iarasi un rand de cartofi.
Se coace in cuptorul preincalzit la foc potrivit 20 min, se scoate din cuptor si se pune deasupra smantana amestecata cu ou si rozmarin. Se da din nou la cuptor pentru inca 10-15 min.

Potatoes Moussaka

Servings: 6
Total time: 1 hr

6-8 medium potatoes
500 gr minced pork
1 onion
100 g  sour cream
1 egg + 3-4 tablespoons sour cream.
butter greased pyrex pan

Boil potatoes. When they  are cooked peel them and slice them. Meanwhile prepare the meat. Chop the  onion and put it a pan with oil to cook , then add minced meat and leave it until the meat change the color. Season with salt and pepper, add the sourcream and let it cool. 

Grease pan with butter, place in pan  a row of potatoes, a row of meat and over a row of potatoes.
Bake in preheated oven at medium heat for 20 minutes, remove from oven and place over, sour cream mixed with egg and rosemary. It gives back to the oven for another 10-15 minutes.


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