Strudel cu dulceata de prune-Plum Jam Strudel

Strudel cu dulceata de prune..L-am facut repede fiind in pana de idei pe moment :))..

"Repede il framantam
Cu dulceata umplem 
Iute il rulam
La cuptor il dam !!"

Portii: 2 
Timp total : 1 hr 

 4 linguri smantana

4 linguri de iaurt un praf de sare
coaja de lamaie 2 linguri zahar  1 ou  1 lingurita praf de copt Dr.Oetker 2 linguri ulei  faina cat cuprinde un borcan de dulceata de prune

Smantana,iaurtul, coaja de lamaie, praful de sare, zaharul si oul se amesteca bine. Adaugam uleiul si amestecam, apoi punem 2-3 linguri de faina amestecata cu praful de copt. Punem faina pe rand cat avem nevoie pentu a obtine un aluat ce poate fi intins. 

Aluatul se imparte in 2 , se presara masa cu faina si se intinde o foaie. Punem dulceata si rulam. La fel facem si cu cealalata jumatate.
Se pun in tava cu hartie de copt, se da la cuptorul preincalzit la foc mediu 30-35 min.

Strudel with plum jam

Servings: 2
Total time: 1hr

      4 tablespoons sour cream
     4 tablespoons of yogurt
     Pinch of salt
     lemon zest
     2 tablespoons sugar
     1 egg
     1 teaspoon baking powder Dr.Oetker
     2 tablespoons oil
     flour as much as we need
     jar of plum jam

Sour cream, yogurt, lemon zest, pinch of salt, sugar and egg and mix them well. Add oil and mix, then put 2-3 tablespoons of flour mixed with baking powder. Put flour in a row as we need to get a proper dough to can be stretched. Divide the dough into two parts, sprinkle the table with flour and stretch the dough with a rolling pin.. Put jam and role it. Just do with the other half.
Place in pan with baking paper, bake in preheated oven 30-35 minutes over medium heat.


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