Tarta cu capsuni-Strawberry Tart

Chiar daca nu mai este sezonul capsunilor se pot inlocui cu alte fructe . Recuperez cu retetele cu care sunt in urma ..:)..

"Aluat fraged si capsuni
Tarta la cuptor o pui
Repede se coace
Si tare mult ne place! "

Portii: 6
Timp total : 1hr

 4-5 linguri smantana
un praf de sare
2 linguri zahar 
1 ou 
1 lingurita praf de copt Dr.Oetker
2 linguri ulei 
faina cat cuprinde
un borcan de dulceata de capsuni
200 gr capsuni proaspete.


Smantana, praful de sare, zaharul si oul se amesteca bine. Adaugam uleiul si amestecam, apoi punem 2-3 linguri de faina amestecata cu praful de copt. Punem faina pe rand cat avem nevoie pentu a obtine un aluat ce poate fi intins.

Presaram masa cu faina si intindem foaie , punem aluatul in forma de tarta , punem dulceata si capsunile proaspete, deasupra putem decora .
Dam la cuptorul preincalzit  la foc potrivit timp de 30 -35 min.



Strawberry Tart

Servings: 6
Total time: 1hr


 4-5 tablespoons sour cream
Pinch of salt
2 tablespoons sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon baking powder Dr. Oetker
2 tablespoons oil
flour as much as we need
a jar of strawberry jam
200 gr fresh strawberries.

Sour cream, pinch of salt, sugar and egg and mix well. Add oil and mix, then put 2-3 tablespoons of flour mixed with baking powder. Put flour in a row as we need to get a proper dough  to can be stretched.
Sprinkle with flour and spread sheet table, put the dough in the tart shell, put jam and fresh strawberries, above we can decorate.
Bake the tart in  preheated oven at medium heat for 30 -35 min.


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