Cheesecake cu nuci si caramel- Walnuts and caramel cheesecake

Cheesecake cu nuci si caramel..

 "Branza si nuci, smantana si caramel
Indata te apuci, sa faci un dulce fel!"

Portii: 4
Timp total: 2 hr

2 oua
un praf de sare
2 linguri zahar
1 lingura ulei 
1 lingurita cacao
2 linguri faina
1 lingurita praf de copt cu sofran Dr.Oetker
esenta de rom Dr.Oetker.

200 gr branza de vaci 
2-3 linguri zahar 
un borcan de 400 gr smantana de casa
1 lingurita gelatina Dr.Oetker+ 3 linguri de apa

4-5 nuci 
sos caramel

BLAT: Oule se bat bine cu praful de sare si zaharul pana isi dubleaza volumul. Se adauga uleiul si se mixeaza in continuare. La final se adauga praful de copt, faina si cacaoa. Se amesteca bine si se pune in forma de chec. Se da la cuptorul preincalzit la foc potrivit  30 -35 min . Cand este copt se scoate si se lasa la racit.
CREMA: Branza se pune in castron cu zahar, se amesteca si se lasa cateva minute apoi se mixeazacu blender-ul. Smantana se pune in bol inalt si se bate bine pana devine spumoasa. Gelatina se pune la hidratat cu apa 5 min , apoi se dizolva pe abur .
Frisca se amesteca cu branza si apoi punem gelatina si punem peste blat in forma in care s-a copt. Se da la frigider.
Sa va spun cum am facut eu :
Blatul l-am taiat in doua pe lung, am decupat rotunduri cu forma . In forma rotunda am pus blat , miez de nuca , crema de branza , blat si iarasi crema de branza. Puteti face simplu , doar blat si crema de branza. Se orneaza cu sos caramel

Chessecake with nuts and caramel

Servings: 4
Total time: 2 hr

2 eggs
Pinch of salt
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon oil
1 teaspoon cocoa
2 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon baking powder saffron Dr.Oetker
Dr.Oetker rum essence

200 gr cheese
2 to 3 tablespoons sugar
a jar of 400 gr sour cream home made
1 teaspoon gelatin Dr.Oetker + 3 tablespoons water

We need:
4-5 nuts
caramel sauce


SPONGE : The eggs beat well with pinch of salt and sugar until doubled in volume. Add oil and mix further. Finally add the baking powder, flour and cocoa. Mix well and place in loaf form. Bake in  the preheated oven heat for 30 -35 min. When  is cooked remove and let cool.
CREAM: Cheese is put in bowl with sugar, stir and leave a few minutes then mix it with a  blender. Put cream in bowl and beat well until  becomes frothy. Gelatin hydrated with water to make 5 min, then dissolved it in the steam.
Mix  the whipped cream with  cheese and add gelatin and mix them. Put the cheese creme over the sponge and put it in the frige.
Let me tell you how I did it:
I cut the sponge in half long, I cut round  form. I put the sponge into a round shape, nuts, cream cheese, again sponge and in the end cheese cream. You can make it simple, just sponget and cream cheese. Garnish with caramel sauce.


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