Mini tort cu mousse de mure si jeleu-Blackberry mousse and jelly cake

Mini torturi cu mousse de mure si jeleu .. Rapide si bune.

"Jeleu si mousse de mure
Intr-un tort putem pune
Foaie de napolitana in loc de blat 
Si ne apucam de montat!"

Portii: 4

Timp total: 2 hr

400 gr mure 
4-5 linguri zahar
300 ml frisca lichida
5 gr gelatina Dr.Oetker + 2 linguri apa

200 ml suc de mure 
1 lingura amidon Gustin Dr. Oetker
Ca si blat folosim foaie de napolitana.

Mousse: Murele cu zaharul se pun la fiert 10 -15 min pana se inmoaie si se lasala racit. Se pun in strecuratoare. Frisca se bate si se amesteca cu murele.Gelatina se hidrateaza cu apa 5 min apoi se pune pe abur sa se dizolve. Se pune peste mousse si se omogenizeaza.
Jeleul: Sucul ramas de la mure se pune la fiert sin care se opresc 2 linguri cu care vom dizolva amidonul.Cand sucul incepe sa clocoteasca se adauga amidonul si se amesteca pana se ingroasa.

Foaia de napolitana se taie cu forma rotunda si incepem sa montam. Punem foaie de napolitana in forma cu care am taiat , mousse-ul de mure si dam la frigider. In acest moment facem jeleul. Cand este facut se pune peste mousse si se da iarasi la frigider 1-2 hr.

Mini cake with blackberry mousse and jelly

MOUSSE blackberry
400 gr blackberry
4-5 tablespoons sugar
300 ml liquid cream
5 g gelatin
Dr.Oetker+ 2 tablespoons water 

Blackberry jelly 

blackberry juice 200ml
1 tablespoon starch Gustin Dr. Oetker
Like countertop use wafer sheet.

Mousse: Blackberries with sugar boil 10 to 15 minutes until soft and let them cool. Place in colander.
Beat cream and mix with blackberries. Gelatin hydrate with water for 5 minutes then place the steam to dissolve. Place over mousse and smooth.
remaining juice from berries put to  boil, stop 2 tablesppons of juice to dissolve the starch. When the juice begins to boil add the starch and stir until thickened.
Wafer sheet is cut with a round shape and begin to assemble. In the roud shape put the wafer sheet and blackberry mousse and give the fridge. At this time we do jelly. When is done put in on top of mousse and refrigerate 1 to 2 hr .


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