Tort cu crema de zahar ars si mere- Flan cake with apple

Tort cu crema de zahar ars si mere... Tortul meu preferat!

" Zahar ars, mere si lapte
Facem tortl mai departe
Tort cu crema de zahar ars
Niciodata n-a ramas!"

Portii: 8 
Timp Total : 1 hr 

3 linguri zahar pentru topit
3 oua
400 ml lapte
esenta de vanilie Dr.Oetker
3 linguri zahar
4-5 mere

2 oua
un praf de sare
2 linguri zahar
1 lingura ulei
2 linguri faina
1 lingurita praf de copt cu sofran Dr.Oetker

Crema: Topim zaharul si apoi invartim cratita incat sa imbracam peretii . Merele le curatam si le taiem felii. Punem feliile de mere in cratita. Ouale se amesteca bine cu esenta de vanilie si zaharul , se adauga laptele si se omogenizeaza. Se toarna in cratita peste mere si se da la cuptorul preincalzit la foc mediu cam 30-40 min.
Blat: Albusurile se bat spuma cu un praf de sare. Se adauga zaharul si se mixeaza pana devin lucioase. In continuare se adauga galbenusurile frecate cu ulei , iar la final faina amestecata cu praful de copt.
Blatul se toarna peste crema si se lasa la copt 25-30 min. Se lasa la racit apoi se rastoarna pe platou.

Flan cake and apple

Servings: 8
Total time: 1 hr

3 tablespoons sugar to melted
3 eggs
400 ml of milk  
vanilla essence Dr.Oetker
3 tablespoons sugar
4-5 apples
2 eggs
Pinch of salt
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon oil
2 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon baking powder saffron Dr.Oetker

Filling: Melt the sugar and then moving around the pan enough to dress walls. Apples clean them and cut them into slices. Put apple slices in pan. Mix the eggs with the vanilla and sugar, add milk and mix. Pour over apples in pan and bring to medium heat on preheated oven about 30-40 minutes.
Dough: Mix the egg white with a pinch of salt. Add sugar and mix until it becomes shiny. Next, add the yolks rubbed with oil, and finally the flour mixed with baking powder.
Leaf pour over the cream and let it bake 25-30 min. Allow to cool then flips on the set.


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