Tort cu nuca si mousse de dovleac-Pumpkin mousse and walnuts cake

Dragilor am primit dovleac si m-am tot gandit ce sa fac , asa ca am facut un tort tare gustos cu nuca si mousse de dovleac.

"Dovleacul repede se rade
Blatul repede se bate 
In cuptor se coace
Mousse-ul repede de face!"

Portii: 8
Timp total: 2 hr 

3 oua
un praf de sare
3 linguri zahar
1 lingura ulei
3 linguri nuca macinata
1 lingura faina
1 lingurita praf de copt cu sofran Dr.Oetker

400 gr dovleac ras
4 linguri de zahar 
200 ml smantana de casa
5 gr gelatina Dr.Oetker+ 2 linguri apa

150 ml apa
1 lingura zahar 
esenta de rom 


Blat: Albusurile cu praful de sare se bat spuma. Adaugam zaharul si mixam bine, apoi adaugam galbenusurile frecate cu ulei. In continuare adaugam nuca si amestecam cu lingura de lemn, iar la final se adauga faina amestecata cu praful de copt. Se pune in tava de 16 cm diametru si se da la cuptorul preincalzit la foc mediu 30 -35 min. Se scoate si se lasa la racit.
Sirop: Apa se amesteca cu zaharul pana se diozolva si se adauga esenta de rom.
Mousse: Dovleacul ras se pune in cratita cu zahar si cu scortisoara. Se pune pe foc 10-15 min pana se inmoaie iar apoi se lasa la racit. Se paseaza cu blender-ul .Smantana de casa se bate si se amesteca cu dovleacul. Gelatina se pune la inmuiat cuu apa 5 min, apoi se pune pe abur sa se dizolve. Se amesteca cu crema. CREMA SE FACE CAND SE UMPLE TORTUL.

Blatul se taie in 4 ( 3 taieturi). Se asambleaza in tava in care s-a copt. O foaie de blat , insiropam, crema, blat insiropat, crema  si tot asa , iar deasupra se pune frisca si se da la frigider 1 hr. Se scoate din forma si se orneaza dupa cum vreti .

Cake with nuts and pumpkin mousse

3 eggs
Pinch of salt
3 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon oil
3 tablespoons ground nuts
1 tablespoon flour
1 teaspoon baking powder saffron Dr.Oetker

400 gr grated pumpkin
4 tablespoons of sugar
200 ml sour cream home made
5 g gelatin Dr.Oetker + 2 tablespoons water 

150 ml water
1 tablespoon sugar
rum essence


Top: Mix the egg whites with salt until them become a foam . Add the sugar, mix well, then add the yolks rubbed with oil. Next add the nut and mix with a wooden spoon, and finally add the flour mixed with baking powder. Place in pan 16 cm diameter and bake it  in preheated oven at medium heat 30 -35 minutes. Remove and let cool.
Syrup: Mix water and sugar until dissolved and add rum essence
Mousse: Grated pumpkin place in saucepan with sugar and cinnamon. Put it on the heat for 10-15 minutes until  it will be soft and then let it cool. It passes with  the blender. Beat the sour cream and mix with pumpkin. Put the gelatin in  water for  5 minutes, then place the steam to dissolve. Mix the gelatin with  creamWILL MAKE THE CREAM WHEN WE  FILL THE CAKE.
Cut dough into 4 (3 cuts). We will assemble the cake in the tray that was baked. A sheet of sponge, moist it , cream, moist sponge, cream and so on, and in the top we will put whipped cream  and refrigerate 1 hr. Remove from pan and garnish as you like.


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