Tort cu crema de vanilie si caramel cu nuca-Cake with vanilla cream and caramel with walnuts

Tort cu crema de vanilie si caramel cu nuca ..EXCEPTIONAL! facut de ziua mea..

 "Tort cu crema de vanilie si caramel
Pentru gusturi fel de fel
Un gust tare minunat
Ca indata a fost mancat"!

Portii: 10
Timp total: 2 hr 

5 oua
un praf de sare
2 linguri ulei 
5 linguri zahar 
5 linguri faina
5 gr praf de copt cu sofran Dr.Oetker

500 ml lapte
5 linguri zahar 
4 linguri amidon Gustin(Dr.Oetker)
esenta de vanilie
200 ml frisca lichida

8 linguri zahar 
150 ml frisca lichida
50 gr unt 
100 gr miez de nuca
50 gr nuca de cocos
esenta de rom

150 ml apa
1 lingura zahar
esenta de vanilie

Blat: Albusurile se mixeaza cu praful de sare , se adauga zaharul si se mixeaza pana devin lucioase. Adaugam galbenusurile frecate cu ulei, mixam , iar la final faina amestecata cu praful de copt, omogenizam cu o spatula. Punem compozitia in tava rotunda cu diametrul de 16cm si coacem in cuptorul preincalzit la foc mediu 40-45 min. Scoatem din cuptor si lasam la racit.
Crema: 400 ml lapte punem la fiert cu zaharul si esenta de vanilie. Amidonul il dizolvam cu restul de lapte. Cand laptele de pe foc clocoteste turnam amidonul si amestecam continuu pana se ingroasa. Se lasa la racit si cand este rece amestecam cu frisca batuta.
Caramel: Zaharul se pune la caramelizat , cand este gata se ia de pe foc si se amesteca cu frisca lichida, se pune din nou pe foc pana se topeste , se adauga untul si se fierbe pana ajunge la consistenta dorita . Adaugam miezul de nuca, esenta de rom si nuca de cocos , mai lasam un clocot si lasam la racit.
Sirop: Dizolvam zaharul in apa si adaugam esenta de vanilie.
Taiem blatul in 5 (4 taieturi). Crema de vanilie o impartim in asa fel sa ne ajunga si sa imbracam tortul. Insiropam  o parte din blat , punem crema caramel, crema de vanilie, blat si tot asa pana terminam , la final imbracam tortul in crema de vanilie.

Cake with vanilla cream and caramel with nuts

Servings: 10
Total time: 2 hr

5 eggs
a pinch of salt
2 tablespoons oil
5 tablespoons sugar
5 tablespoons flour
5 grams baking powder saffron Dr.Oetker

500 ml of milk
5 tablespoons sugar
4 tablespoons starch Gustin (Dr.Oetker)
vanilla essence
200 ml liquid cream

8 tablespoons sugar
150 ml liquid cream
50 g butter
100g nuts
50 gr coconut
rum essence

150 ml water
1 tablespoon sugar
vanilla essence

Sponge: whites are mixing with the dust of salt, add the sugar and mix until it becomes shiny. Add the egg yolks rubbed with oil, mix, and finallyput  flour mixed with baking powder, homogenized with a spatula. Put the mixture into a 16cm diameter round tray and bake in preheated oven at medium heat 40-45 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool.
Cream: 400 ml milk to a boil with sugar and  vanilla essence. Dissolve the starch with the remaining milk. When milk boils pour starch and stir continuously until thickened. Allow to cool and when cold mix with whipped cream.
Caramel: caramelize the  sugar, when it is ready, remove from heat and mix with cream liquid, place back on the heat until it melts, add the butter and cook until it reaches desired consistency. Add nutmeg, rum essence and coconut, in letting a boil and let cool.
Syrup: Dissolve sugar in water and add vanilla essence.
Cut dough into 5 (4 cuts). Vanilla cream we share so we get cake and dress the cake. Moist part of the sponge, put the cream caramel, vanilla cream and so on until we finish, in the end dress the cake in vanilla cream.


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