Tort de clatite-Pancakes cake

Tort de clatite, este foarte simplu si foarte gustos...

"O clatita , doua, trei
Poti face cate vrei
La sfarsit le asamblam 
Si un tort gustos avem !"

Portii: 6
Timp total : 30-40 min.

6 linguri faina
un praf de sare
2-3 linguri zahar
esenta de vanilie
un ou 
5 gr praf de copt Dr.Oetker
lapte cat cuprinde
ulei pentru uns tigaia
ciocolata tartinabila
300 ml double cream+2 linguri zahar+esenta de vanilie

Faina, praful de sare, zaharul, esenta de vanilie, praful de copt si oul se pun intre-un bol. Se adauga laptele putin cate putin pana obtinem o compozitie nici prea lichida nici prea tare. Se unge tigaie cu ulei si se pune la incins, se pune compozitia cu polonicul si se coace pe ambele parti.
Double cream-ul cu zaharul si esenta de vanilie se bat cu mixerul.
Se asambleaza astfel: o clatita , ciocolata tartinabila, double cream si tot asa pana terminam , iar deasupra punem double cream si ornam cu ciocolata rasa sau ornamente de ciocolata.


6 tablespoons flour
Pinch of salt
2-3 tablespoons sugar
vanilla essence
an egg
5 gr baking powder Dr.Oetker
milk as much as we need
oil to grease the pan
spreadable chocolate
300ml double cream + 2 tablespoons sugar+ vanilla

Flour, pinch of salt, sugar, vanilla, baking powder and the egg put them in a bowl. Add the milk little by little until a composition will not be  too liquid or  too hard. Grease pan with oil and place in hot, place the composition of the ladle and bake on both sides.
Double cream with the sugar and the vanilla, beat with a mixer.
To assemble this: a pancake, chocolate spread, double cream and so on until we finish, we put on the top double cream and garnish with grated chocolate or chocolate ornaments.


  1. Sarbatori fericite si un An Nou plin de bucurii si realizari!!

  2. Ce faci Dea??ai luat o pauza??indiferent ce faci,sper ca esti bine!!

  3. Lulu draga mea , nu am avut cuptor ! Doar ce mi-am luat si acum il testez sa ma obisnuiesc cu el :))))


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