Clatite pufoase cu dulceata de zmeura- Pancakes with raspberry jam

Dupa cum stiti clatitele pufoase sunt clatite americane , dar adoptate de toata lumea. Foarte bune la micul dejun cu dulceata  sau ciocolata , langa un pahar de lapte cald... dar merg si ca desert.

" Clatite pufoase
Bune si gustoase
la micul dejun pe masa
in oricare casa!"

Portii: 4-6
Timp total: 20 min

5-6 linguri de faina
un praf de sare
2-3 linguri zahar
50 ml iaurt de baut de capsuni
1 lingurita praf de copt
ulei pentru uns tigaia
dulceata de zmeura.

Punem faina, praful de copt, sarea, zaharul si oul intr-un bol. Amestecam si adaugam iaurtul, apoi treptat adaugam cate un pic de lapte pana obtinem un aluat potrivit, nici prea gros nici prea subtire. Ungem tigaia cu putin ulei , o punem la incins si punem cu lingura clatitele. Le coacem si pe o parte si pe alta. Se pot servi cu dulceata sau ciocolata.


As you know this pancakes are american pancakes, but everyone like them. Are good for breakfast but they are good also like dessert.

Servings: 4-6
Total Time: 20 min


5-6 tablespoons of flour
Pinch of salt
2-3 tablespoons sugar
50 ml strawberry yogurt drink
1 teaspoon baking powder
oil for greasing the pan
raspberry jam.

Put the flour, baking powder, salt, sugar and egg in a bowl. Mix and add the yogurt, THEN gradually add a little bit of milk to Obtain the dough, Neither too thick nor too thin. Brush the pan with a little oil, put it in hot, take with a  spoon and put the pancakes on pan. We fry them on the both sides. Serve with jam or chocolate.


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