Nutella chocolate and cream cake- Prajitura cu Nutella si frisca

A sweet, fine and a good cake. The most we like the cakes with double cream, and if we add chocolate it has a vrey good taste....

" Chocolate and double cream 
A good taste you can feel
A very good cake
And easy to make !"

Servings: 12
Total time : 1 hr 

3 eggs
pinch of salt
1 tablespoon oil
3 tablespoons sugar(granulated)
1 teaspoon baking powder
3 tablespoons flour(plain flour)

200 gr nutella
300 ml double cream 
vanilla essence
3 tablespoons sugar(icing sugar or granuleted) only if you want to be more sweet.

150 ml water
1 tablespoon sugar 
vanilla essence

nutella or melted chocolate

Sponge: Mix the egg whites with salt until become foam. Add the sugar and mix again until it become glossy, then add the egg yolks mixed with oil and mix again. In the end we will add the flour mixed with baking powder, now we will stir with a silicone spatula to homogenize. In a baking tray ( 25-30 cm, i guess :D), put baking paper and put the sponge. We will bake it in a preheated oven on 160 degrees for 20-25 min. After that we will allow to cool.
Filling: Put in a bowl double cream, vanilla essence, sugar and mix.
Syrup: Put in a glass water, sugar and vanilla essence and stir until the sugar is melt.

Cut the sponge in 2 . Place a piece of it on a plater and moist it with syrup, put nutella and spread it. Now put half of double cream and spread it also. Put the other piece of sponge , double cream and now we have to glaze it. You can put in a saucepan 2 tablespoons of nutella and put it to melt a little , or you can melt chocolate.


Portii: 12
Timp total: 1 hr

3 oua
un praf de sare
3 linguri zahar
1 lingura ulei
1 lingurita praf de copt
3 linguri de faina

200 gr nutella
300 ml smantana pentru frisca
3 linguri zahar
esenta de vanilie

150 ml apa
1 lingura zahar
esenta de vanilie

nutella sau ciocolata topita

Blat: Albusurile le batem cu praful de sare pana se fac spuma, adaugam zaharul si mixam pana devin lucioase. SE adauga galbenusurile frecate cu ulei iar la final adaugam faina amestecata cu praful de copt. Punem in tava cu hartie de copt si dam la cuptorul preincalzit la foc mediu cam 30-35 min( la cuptorul cu gaz), Eu am electric si am pus la 160 de grade cam 20-25 min. Se lasa sa se raceasca.
Crema: Smantana o amesteca cu zahar si esenta de vanilie si mixam .
Sirop: Apa cu zaharu si esenta de vanilie se amesteca.

Blatul se taie in 2. Se pune o parte pe platou si se insiropeaza, se adauga nutella, se intinde bine iar apoi frisca. Deasupra punem cealalta parte de blat , frisca si glazuram cu nutella incalzita sau ciocolata topita.


  1. Ce prajitura buna si frumoasa ai facut!

  2. Waw,Dea arata bestial ca sa zic asa!!! la gust nu mai vorbesc!
    Bravo fata harnica si ambitioasa!

  3. Lulu draga te pup!! Iti multumesc mult!!!


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