Chocolate Easter Egss- Oua de ciocolata
Hello my dears , well i try to make someting sweet and cute for Easter ...
Chocolate Easter Eggs
Portion: 6
Total time: 2-3 hr
100 gr milk chocolate
100 gr white chocolate
silicone eggs shapes
First we start with the white chocolate. Put water to boil and cut the chocolate in pieces. Put the chocolate in a bowl and put in on the top of the water until is melt. Fill the shapes of the eggs how you want and let them cool. After that we will do the same with the milk chocolate , and will put melted chocolate on white chocolate in the shapes and let them cool.
Portii : 6
Timp total : 3 hr
100 gr ciocolata cu lapte
100 gr ciocolata alba
forme de silicon
Incepem cu ciocolata alba. Punem apa pe foc la fiert, taiem ciocolata marunt, o punem in castron si o punem pe abur pana se topeste. Punem ciocolata alba in forme dupa bunul plac si lasam la racit. La fel vom proceda si cu ciocolata cu lapte , iar cand este topita umplem formele si le lasam la racit.
Chocolate Easter Eggs
Portion: 6
Total time: 2-3 hr
100 gr milk chocolate
100 gr white chocolate
silicone eggs shapes
First we start with the white chocolate. Put water to boil and cut the chocolate in pieces. Put the chocolate in a bowl and put in on the top of the water until is melt. Fill the shapes of the eggs how you want and let them cool. After that we will do the same with the milk chocolate , and will put melted chocolate on white chocolate in the shapes and let them cool.
Portii : 6
Timp total : 3 hr
100 gr ciocolata cu lapte
100 gr ciocolata alba
forme de silicon
Incepem cu ciocolata alba. Punem apa pe foc la fiert, taiem ciocolata marunt, o punem in castron si o punem pe abur pana se topeste. Punem ciocolata alba in forme dupa bunul plac si lasam la racit. La fel vom proceda si cu ciocolata cu lapte , iar cand este topita umplem formele si le lasam la racit.
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