Olive Oil Bread-Paine cu ulei de masline
Hello my dears .. at last I am back after so long time. Thanks God I have a new laptop and now I can manage everything.
I tried to make home bread ..and of course I did it and its tasty. So let's see how to make it.
Servings: 2
Preparation time: 15-20 minutes
Baking time: 40 -50 minutes.
Total time: 1hr and 10 minutes
500 gr flour
Pinch of salt
400-500 ml warm water
1 sachet of dry yeast
2 tablespoons olive oil
Place in a bowl flour, salt and dry yeast.
Put warm water from time to time until you get a dough that can be stretched.
Finally add olive oil and incorporate it in the dough.
Divide the dough in half, place it on the loaf pans, will let it to increase the volume and bake for 40-50 min on medium heat.
Dragii mei in sfarsit am reusit sa revin , dupa atata timp. Ma bucur tare mult si imi era dor sa postez sper ca si voua v-a fost dor de postarile mele... si chiar daca am fost absenta ..voi incerca sa revin asa cum ma stiti si sper ca ma veti urmari..
Portii: 2
500 gr faina
un praf de sare
un plic drojdie uscata
400-500 ml apa calduta
2 linguri ulei de masline.
Intr-un bol punem faina, sarea si drojdia.
Adaugam apa calduta pe rand pana cand obtinem un aluat ce poate fi intins.
Impartim aluatul in doua si il punem in tavi de chec, lasam la dospit pana cand isi creste volumul si coacem la foc potrivit 40-50 min.
SA aveti pofta!!!
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