Pizza with ham , smoked ham and sausages-Pizza cu sunca si carnat
When you don't have time to cook a lot ...a pizza it's really great.
I made a pizza with ham , smoked ham, sausages, grated cheddar, peppers...It was really let me show you how i made it :)
Servings: 8-10
Total time: 1hr
14-15 tablespoons flour
half a sachet of fresh yeast
250-300 ml warm water
1 tablespoon oil
3-4 tablespoons of tomato paste
100 ml water
We need:
100 gr ham
100 gr. smoked ham
2 pieces of sausage
150 gr grated cheddar
peppers red, yellow and green
100 gr mushrooms
2 eggs
Place in bowl flour and salt. Dissolve yeast in warm water and put on the flour. Add water at a time, to get a dough that can be streched. Finally put the oil, knead to incorporate and let rise for 30-40 minutes.
Sauce: Mix tomato paste with water and season with salt, pepper, basil and oregano.
I made two trays !! Take half the dough and stretches it on floured table, then place in the pan with backing paper. Brush with sauce, place the beaten eggs, cheddar cheese, then put ham, slices of sausage, sliced peppers and sliced mushrooms. Bake in preheated oven at medium heat for 30 minutes.
Thats it !! ENJOY!!!
Portii: 8-10
Timp total : 1hr
14-15 linguri faina
jumatate de pachetel de drojdie proaspata 250-300 ml apa calduta 1 lingura ulei
SOS: 3-4 linguri de pasta de rosii 100 ml apa sare piper busuioc oregano
MAI AVEM NEVOIE DE 100 gr sunca
100 gr. sunca afumata 2 bucati de carnati ardei colorati 150 gr. cascaval ras
100 gr. ciuperci 2 oua
Faina se pune in castron si sarea. Drojdia se dizolva in putin apa calduta si se pune peste faina. Adaugam apa pe rand , pana obtinem un aluat ce poate fi intins.La final punem uleiul , framantam pana se incorporeaza si se lasa la dospit 30-40 min.
Sos: Apa cu pasta de rosii se amesteca si condimentam cu sare, piper, busuioc si oregano.
Taiam felii sunca, taiem felii carnatul,ciupercile si de asemenea ardeiul il feliem.
Eu am facut doua tavi !! Se ia jumatate de aluat , se intinde pe masa presarata cu faina, apoi se pune in tava cu hartie de copt. Se unge cu sos, se pun ouale batute, cascaval, feliile de carnat, sunca si ardeiul . Se coace in cuptorul preincalzit la foc mediu 30 min.
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