Bounty & Snickers Cake- Prajitura Bounty & Snickers
I was thinking about about a good combination.. and i found it :)..Bounty and Snickers..its very nice..
Servings: 24
Total Time: 1hr 30 min
6 eggs
a pinch of salt
3 TBS sunflower oil
6 TBS sugar
4 TBS flour
2 TBS cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder
500 ml whole milk
6-7 TBS sugar
5 TBS semolina
100 gr grated coconut
10 TBS sugar
500 ml whole milk
5 TBS cornflour
150 gr peanuts
150 ml double cream
200 gr milk chocolate
Sponge: Mix the egg whites with salt until become foam. Add the sugar and mix again until it become glossy, then add the egg yolks mixed with oil and mix again. In the end we will add the flour mixed with baking powder and cocoa powder, now we will stir with a silicone spatula to homogenize. In a baking tray, put baking paper and put the sponge. We will bake it in a preheated oven on 175 degrees for 30-35 min. After that we will allow to cool.
P.S. The fiiling have to be done and put them hot on the sponge
Bounty Filling: Put in a saucepan the milk, sugar and semolina. Bring to boil until thickened and add coconut, boil a few min and put on the sponge. Allow to cool until we make Snickers filling.
Snickers Filling: Put sugar in saucepan and melt it. Put 400 ml of milk and let the sugar to be melt. Other milk stir with cornflour and put it in the sauce pan, add the peanuts as well. Let them boil on a medium heat until thickened. Put the filling on the sponge and allow to cool.
Glaze: Put the chocolate and duble cream in a bowl , place them in a microwave for 30-40 sec. Stir and put on the top.
Cut the sponge in 3 (2 cuts). Now is the time when we make the fillings. Put a piece of sponge on a plate, bounty filling , another sponge, snickers filling , sponge again and the glaze.
Portii: 24
Timp Total: 1 hr 30 min.
6 oua
un praf de sare
3 liguri ulei
6 linguri zahar
4 linguri faina
2 linguri cacao
1 lingurita praf de copt
500 ml lapte
6-7 linguri zahar
5 linguri gris
100 gr nuca de cocos
10 linguri zahar
500 ml lapte
5 linguri amidon
150 gr alune
150 ml frisca lichida
200 gr ciocolata cu lapte
Blat: Batem albusurile spuma cu un praf de sare, adaugam zaharul si mixam , adaugam galbenusurile frecate cu ulei, din nou mixam, la final adaugam faina, praful de copt si cacaoa. Amestecam cu o spatula de jos in sus si punem in tava cu hartie de copt. Coacem in cuptorul preincalzit la 175 grade cam 35-40 min. Lasam sa se raceasca.
Bounty: Punem la fiert intr-o oala, laptele, zaharul si grisul pana se ingraoasa. Adaugam nuca de cocos si mai lasam cateva min si punem pe blat, apoi lasam la racit pana facem cealalta crema.
Snickers: Zaharul se topeste, stingem cu 400 ml lapte si lasam sa se topeasca. Intre timp amestecam amidoul cu restul de lapte si turnam la fiert , mai adaugam si alunele; lasam sa fiarba pana se ingroasa si punem pe blat.
P.S. Cremele se fac dupa ce terminam blatul pentru ca se pun calde .
Glazura: Ciocolata taiata bucati cu frisca lichida se pun in bol si se pun la microunde 30-40 sec. Se scoate se amesteca si se pune deasupra
Servings: 24
Total Time: 1hr 30 min
6 eggs
a pinch of salt
3 TBS sunflower oil
6 TBS sugar
4 TBS flour
2 TBS cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder
500 ml whole milk
6-7 TBS sugar
5 TBS semolina
100 gr grated coconut
10 TBS sugar
500 ml whole milk
5 TBS cornflour
150 gr peanuts
150 ml double cream
200 gr milk chocolate
Sponge: Mix the egg whites with salt until become foam. Add the sugar and mix again until it become glossy, then add the egg yolks mixed with oil and mix again. In the end we will add the flour mixed with baking powder and cocoa powder, now we will stir with a silicone spatula to homogenize. In a baking tray, put baking paper and put the sponge. We will bake it in a preheated oven on 175 degrees for 30-35 min. After that we will allow to cool.
P.S. The fiiling have to be done and put them hot on the sponge
Bounty Filling: Put in a saucepan the milk, sugar and semolina. Bring to boil until thickened and add coconut, boil a few min and put on the sponge. Allow to cool until we make Snickers filling.
Snickers Filling: Put sugar in saucepan and melt it. Put 400 ml of milk and let the sugar to be melt. Other milk stir with cornflour and put it in the sauce pan, add the peanuts as well. Let them boil on a medium heat until thickened. Put the filling on the sponge and allow to cool.
Glaze: Put the chocolate and duble cream in a bowl , place them in a microwave for 30-40 sec. Stir and put on the top.
Cut the sponge in 3 (2 cuts). Now is the time when we make the fillings. Put a piece of sponge on a plate, bounty filling , another sponge, snickers filling , sponge again and the glaze.
Portii: 24
Timp Total: 1 hr 30 min.
6 oua
un praf de sare
3 liguri ulei
6 linguri zahar
4 linguri faina
2 linguri cacao
1 lingurita praf de copt
500 ml lapte
6-7 linguri zahar
5 linguri gris
100 gr nuca de cocos
10 linguri zahar
500 ml lapte
5 linguri amidon
150 gr alune
150 ml frisca lichida
200 gr ciocolata cu lapte
Blat: Batem albusurile spuma cu un praf de sare, adaugam zaharul si mixam , adaugam galbenusurile frecate cu ulei, din nou mixam, la final adaugam faina, praful de copt si cacaoa. Amestecam cu o spatula de jos in sus si punem in tava cu hartie de copt. Coacem in cuptorul preincalzit la 175 grade cam 35-40 min. Lasam sa se raceasca.
Bounty: Punem la fiert intr-o oala, laptele, zaharul si grisul pana se ingraoasa. Adaugam nuca de cocos si mai lasam cateva min si punem pe blat, apoi lasam la racit pana facem cealalta crema.
Snickers: Zaharul se topeste, stingem cu 400 ml lapte si lasam sa se topeasca. Intre timp amestecam amidoul cu restul de lapte si turnam la fiert , mai adaugam si alunele; lasam sa fiarba pana se ingroasa si punem pe blat.
P.S. Cremele se fac dupa ce terminam blatul pentru ca se pun calde .
Glazura: Ciocolata taiata bucati cu frisca lichida se pun in bol si se pun la microunde 30-40 sec. Se scoate se amesteca si se pune deasupra
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