Profiteroles- Profiterol
Well my dears..that desert its one of my best :).. It is easy to make and faster to eat :D :D
I was thinking to bake something
So that its what I think
Profiteroles i was baking
And the other were just eating :D
Total Time: 1 hr
75 ml sunflower oil
a pinch of salt
100gr flour
150 ml water
3 eggs.
300 ml double cream
200 madagascar vanilla custard
100 ml double cream
100 gr milk chocolate
Place in a saucepan water, oil and salt. Put on the heat until its starts boiling, add de flour and stir continuously until it's getting down on the sides of the saucepan. Let it cool. Now we add eggs one by one, and stir after each egg. Place them in a baking tray with baking paper, with a spoon or a decorating pos. Put them in a preheated oven on 200 degrees and bake for 20-30 min, without to open the oven. Let them cool on a rack.
Filling: Beat the double cream with a mixer and add vanilla custard, and that's all.
Glaze: chop the chololate, add duble cream and melt them in micro wave for 10-20 sec, stir after.
Cut the profiteroles in half, add cream and put the other half and glaze them .
''Repede se face
Cum se coace ada-ncoace
Crema fina si buna
De ti se topeste-n gura''!
Timp Toatal:1 hr
75 ml ulei
un praf de sare
150 ml apa
100 gr faina
3 oua
300 ml smantana de frisca
200 gr crema de vanilie(cumparata)
100 ml smantana pentru frisca
100 gr ciocolata cu lapte
Uleiul , apa si sarea se pun la fiert. Cand incep sa fiarba adaugam faina si amestecam pana nu se mai lipeste de vas si lasam la racit. Incorporam ouale unul cate unul amestecand dupa fiecare.
Se pun cu lingura sau cu posul in tava cu hartie de copt. Se coace in cuptorul preincalzit la 200 de grade timp de 20-30 min, fara a se deschide usa cuptorului. Se lasa la racit pe gratar.
Crema: Batem frisca cu mixerul, adaugam crema de vanilie si amestecam.
Glazura: Punem ciocolata taiata bucati cu frisca intr-un bol la microunde timp de 10-20 sec, scoatem si amestecam.
Taiem profiterolul in jumatate , punem crema, apoi punem cealalta jumatate si glazuram.
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