Kinder Pingui 2

My dears it is a really good cake. Kinder Pingui. What do you thing , looks nice? Looks tasty? Would you like to try it?

Dragii mei , am facut-o din nou. Este buna, cremoasa si ciocolatoasa :)). haideti sa va spun cum se face.

Total time: 1hr.

5 eggs
5 TBS sugar
3 TBS honey
3 TBS flour
2 TBS cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt.

600 ml double cream
4 TBS condensed milk
1 sachet gelatine.

200 gr chocolate
100 ml double cream.


Sponge: Place in a bowl the egg whites, and in another one the egg yolks. Add a pinch of salt on the top of the whites and mix them with a hand mixer until you get a foam. After that add the sugar and mix it until you get a shinny foam. Further add the yolks that were mixed before with honey, give it a good mix. Next add the flour, cocoa powder and baking powder, mix them together with a spatula, from the bottom to the top. Place the parchment paper in a  baking tray (25x30 cm), add the composition and bake it in a preheated oven at 170 C , for 40 min. Take it out and let it cool.
As long as the sponge is cooling , we can start to do the glaze, so like that we can let it cool as well.

Glaze: Pour double cream in a bowl. Chop the chocolate and place it in the same bowl with the cream. Heat it  20 sec in a microwave, take it out and stir it with a tablespoon, if it needs more to melt then put it back for another few seconds. When is ready let it cool.

Filling: Before we start to prepare the filling , we have to prepare the gelatine. So, place the powder sachet in a bowl and add 5 TBS cold water. Now leave the gelatine and we can start to do the filling. Place double cream in a bowl , give it a good whisk until get a little bit thick , after that add condensed milk, stir and now put the gelatine for few second in microwave to dissolve and add it in the filling.
Make sure you prepare the filling when everything is ready , because of the gelatine it gets thick very fast.

Cut the sponge in 2, add half of the filling, a thin layer of glaze, the other half of the filling, put the sponge and glaze on the top.


Portii: 24
Timp total:1hr

5 oua
5 linguri zahar
3 linguri faina
2 linguri cacao
3 linguri miere
1 lingurita praf de copt
un praf de sare

600 ml frisca lichida
4 linguri lapte condensate
1 plic gelatine

200 gr ciocolata
100 ml frisca lichida

Blat: Separam albusurile de galbenuse. Punem albusurile intr-un bol adaugam un praf de sare si la batem spuma. Adaugam zaharul si mixam pana obtinem o spuma tare, apoi adaugam galbenusurile frecate cu miere. La final adaugam faina, cacaoa si praful de copt. Punem hartie de copt intr-o tava de 25x30cm. Coacem 40 min in cuptorul preincalzit la 170 C. Cand e gata lasam blatul la racit .
Facem glazura deoarece are nevoie de racier si ea.

Glazura: Punem frisca lichida intr-un castron , adaugam ciocolata taiata  marunt si o topim la microunde, pentru 20 secunde la inceput. Daca mai trebuie mai dam cateva secunde, omogenizam si o lasam la racit.

Crema: Inainte de a incepe sa facem crema trebuie sa hidratam gelatine. Punem gelatine in castron si punem 5 linguri de apa, o lasam deoparte. Incepem sa batem frisca pana se ingroasa putin, adaugam laptele condensat si mixam bine, la final adaugam gelatina. Crema se face in momentul asamblarii din cauza gelatinei, pentru ca se intareste repede.

Taiem blatul in doua, punem jumatate din crema, un strat de ciocolata, apoi cealalta jumatate de crema , blatul si deasupra punem glazura.



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