Prajitura Coca-Cola- Coca Cola Cake

For ENGLISH RECIPE press READ MORE on the end.

Salutare dragilor!! Aceasta prajitura o am de mult din caietul mamei mele, dar nu am facut-o niciodata, nu stiu de ce dar asta este. Asa ca m-am decis sa o fac , inspirandu-ma din caietul vechi am adaptat-o asa cum imi place mie :)). A iesit delicioasa , asa ca haideti sa vedem de ce avem nevoie si cum se face.

Portii: 24
Timp total: 1h 30 min

5 oua
7 linguri de zahar
un praf de sare
12 linguri Coca-Cola
7 linguri de faina
o ligurita de praf de copt
2 linguri de cacao.

4 linguri de amidon
400 ml lapte
6 linguri zahar
200 ml frisca lichida
80 gr nuca de cocos

400 ml Coca-Cola
4 linguri de zahar
4 linguri de amidon
100 gr ciocolata cu lapte

Blat: Separam albusurile de galbenuse. Batem albusurile spuma cu un praf de sare pana devin o spuma tare, apoi adaugam zaharul si mixam iarasi pana spuma devine lucioasa.
In continuare adaugam galbenusurile care au fost amestecate cu Coca-Cola in prelabil. Mixam bine si la final adaugam faina, cacaoa si praful de copt, apoi amestecam cu o spatula de jos in sus. Compozitia se pune in tava(25/35) cu hartie de copt, se coace 30-40 min in cuptorul preincalzit la 170 . Se scoate blatul si se lasa sa se raceasca.
Crema: Punem intr-o cratita 300 ml lapte, 100 ml il pastram pentru a dizolva amidonul. In laptele din cratita puneam zaharul si il lasam pana aproape de fierbere. Dizolvam amidonul cu cele 100 ml de lapte si turnam in compozitia de pe foc. Amestecam pana se ingroasa si lasam sa se raceasca. Batem frisca si amestecam cu crema si cu nuca de cocos.
Glazura: La fel ca si la crema pastram 100 ml de Coca-Cola. Restul punem in cratita la fiert cu zaharul, diluam amidonul si turnam peste. Cand incepe sa se ingroase adaugam ciocolata taiata bucati si amestecam pana se ingroasa. Atentie!!! Glazura se pune calda pe Prajitura.

Taiem blatul in 2,  insiropam cu Coca-Cola punem crema si deasupra glazura calda.


Servings: 24
Total Time: 1h 30min

5 eggs
7 tablespoons of sugar
a pinch of salt
12 tablespoons of Coca-Cola
7 tablespoons of flour
a teaspoon of baking powder
2 tablespoons of cocoa.

4 tablespoons of starch/corn flour
400 ml of milk
6 tablespoons of sugar
200 ml liquid whipped cream/double cream
80 gr coconut

400 ml Coca-Cola
4 tablespoons of sugar
4 tablespoons of starch/corn flour
100 gr of milk chocolate

Sponge: Separate the whites from the yolks. Place the whites in a bowl , add a pinch of salt and beat them until become a foam, add the sugar and beat again until you have a glossy foam. Add the yolks that were mixed with Coca-Cola, mix again and add the flour, baking powder and cocoa powder. Stir them with a silicone spatula, place the composition in a pan with baking paper. Bake it on a preheat oven at 170 for 30-40 min. Let it cool.
Filling: Keep 100ml of milk , and put the rest in a saucepan with sugar and warm it, not until its boiling. On a small bowl dissolve the corn flour with the milk , add it on the top of the one its on the heat and stir until it gets thick. Let it cool. Whip the cream ,add the cold filling and the coconut.
Glaze: Keep 100ml of Coca-Cola , and put the rest in a saucepan with sugar and warm it, not until its boiling. On a small bowl dissolve the corn flour with the rest of the coke , add it on the top of the one its on the heat and stir until it gets thick. Let it cool. Caution!!!! The glaze has to be warm.

Cut the sponge into 2, moist the both sides with coke add the filling and on the top the glaze.



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