Cozonac-Sweet Bread
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Nu am facut de mult cozonac si chiar imi era tare pofta, mai ales de cel cu mac, care este preferatul meu . Al vostru care este?
1 kg faina
2 plicuri de drojdie
10 linguri zahar
4 oua
200 ml ulei
500 ml lapte cald
un praf de sare
esenta de rom
coaja rasa de la o lamaie
ou pentru uns
200 gr mac (am gasit gata preparat la un magazine polonez)
1 borcan mic de ciocolata tartinabila(Nuttela, sau altceva)
Incepem cu drojdia. Punem drojdia intr-un pahar cu doua linguri de zahar si putina apa calda, amestecam bine si lasam sa se dizolve. Intr-un bol punem faina, zaharul, sarea, esenta de rom, coaja de lamaie, ouale si uleiul, incepem sa amestecam si adaugam si drojdia. Mai apoi adaugam putin cate putin laptele si framantam bine, pana aluatul se desprinde de pe vas, sau de pe mana. Lasam la dospit pana isi dubleaza volumul. Impartim aluatul in 2 parti egale. Fiecare parte se imparte in 3. Se intinde fiecare parte si se unge cu mac, apoi se impleteste in 3 , punem in forma de cozonac si ungem cu ou. la fel facem si cu partea cealalta doar ca punem ciocolata. Coacem cam 40 min in cuptorul preaincalzit la 170 Celsius.
It is a Romanian traditional sweet, we used to make that for Christmas. it is not very complicated, it's true it takes some time but is tasty.
1 kg flour
2 sachets of yeast
10 tablespoons sugar
4 eggs
200 ml of oil
500 ml warm milk
a pinch of salt
rum essence
zest from a lemon
egg for grease.
200 gr. poppy seed already prepared( found on a polish shop)
a small jar of spreadable chocolate
Let's start with yeast. Put the yeast in a glass with two tablespoons of sugar and a little warm water, mix well and let dissolve. In a bowl put the flour, sugar, salt, rum essence, lemon peel, eggs and oil, start mixing and add yeast. Then add a little milk and knead well, until the dough comes off the bowl or hand. Leave it to raise until it doubles in volume. We divide the dough into 2 equal parts. Each part is divided into 3. Spread each part and put with poppy seeds, then fold in 3(like in the picture , put in the loaf pan and grease with egg. we do the same with the other part, but we put chocolate. Bake about 40 minutes in the preheated oven at 170 Celsius.
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