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Dragii mei astazi a fost prima data cand nu mi-a iesit painea, am facut dupa alta reteta ce-i drept, aceasta din poza este facuta dupa reteta mea. Painea care am facut-o este gustoasa si pufoasa. Am stat si m-am gandit oare de ce am facut asa si nu am facut direct cum stiu eu , dar vorba aceea, incercarea moarte n-are...

500 gr faina
1 lingura de zahar
un pliculet de drojdie(7 gr)
350 ml apa calduta
2 linguri ulei.

Punem drojdia intr-un castron sau un pahar cu lingura de zahar si 100 ml apa, amestecam bine si lasam sa se dizolve cam 5 min.
Intr-un bol de mixer eu am pus faina si sarea, am adaugat drojdia dizolvata si am amestecat cu carligul de aluaturi, apoi am adaugat si restul de apa, se amesteca pana se omogenizeaza. La final adaugam uleiul si mai amestecam pana se incorporeaza. Se presara faina deasupra si se lasa la dospit pana isi dubleaza voluml.

Se scoate din bol si se pune in tava, mai lasam la dospit inca 30 min. Coacem painea in cuptorul preincalzit la 170 Celsius pentru  o ora.



The best bread ever, is the one that you made it in the house, that's why I give you the recipe. The bread is really tasty and soft.

500 gr flour
salt( 2 pinches )
1 tablespoon of sugar
one dry yeast sachet (7 gr)
350 ml of warm water
2 tablespoons oil.
Put the yeast in a bowl or a glass with a spoon of sugar and 100 ml of water, mix well and allow to dissolve for about 5 minutes. In a mixing bowl I put the flour and salt, added the dissolved yeast and mixed with the dough hook, then added the rest of the water, mixing until it is homogenized. At the end add the oil and mix until it is incorporated. Sprinkle some flour on top and leave to rise until doubled in volume.

Remove from the bowl and put in the tray, leave it to rise for another 30 minutes. Bake the bread in the preheated oven at 170 Celsius for one hour.


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