Prajitura cu crema de castane si lapte condensat- Chestnuts puree and condensed milk filling cake

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Dragii mei aceasta este reteta cu numarul 500, este o reteta speciala de aceea am tinut-o mai mult si nu am scris-o. O sa va spun si de ce, pentru ca am facut-o pentru tatal meu plecat la ceruri, care a fost, este si va ramane mereu in inima si sufletul meu. Am facut-o de Sf. Ion, adica de ziua lui de nume. Va spun ca neaparat trebuie sa o incercati, este atat de buna...

8 oua
un praf de sare
8 linguri zahar
6 linguri de faina
2 linguri de cacao
o lingurita praf de copt

250 gr. pireu de castane
4 linguri zahar
3-4 picaturi de esenta de rom
600 ml frisca lichida(smantana dulce pentru frisca)
100 gr lapte condensate

2 linguri zahar
200 ml apa
Se amesteca impreuna.

Blat: Separam albusurile de galbenuse. Punem albusurile intr-un bol adaugam un praf de sare si la batem spuma. Adaugam zaharul si mixam pana obtinem o spuma tare, apoi adaugam galbenusurile frecate cu miere. La final adaugam faina, cacaoa si praful de copt. Punem hartie de copt intr-o tava de 25x30cm. Coacem 40 min in cuptorul preincalzit la 170 C. Cand e gata lasam blatul la racit .


Prima data amestecam intr-un castron  pireul de castane cu zaharul si esenta de rom, apoi punem intr-un bol frisca lichida si incepem sa o batem , cand incepe sa se ingroase adaugam pireul de castane si laptele condensate, continuam sa mixam pana obtinem consistenta dorita.

Blatul se taie in trei(2 taieturi). Punem prima parte, insiropam, punem o tremie din crema, blat, insiropam, crema, blat crema iar desupra decoram cu ce avem, eu am pus niste ciocolata.



Chestnuts puree and condensed milk filling cake

My dears that recipe is no 500, it's a special one, I have made it for my father, who passed away, but he will be always in my heart and my soul. It is really nice , you have to try it

8 eggs
pinch of salt
8 TBS sugar
2 TBS cocoa powder
6 TBS flour
1tsp baking powder

250 gr chestnut puree
4 TBS sugar
3-4 drops of rum(rum extract)
100 gr condensed milk
600 ml double cream

2 TBS sugar
200 ml water
Stir them together, till the sugar is melted.

Sponge: Place in a bowl the egg whites, and in another one the egg yolks. Add a pinch of salt on the top of the whites and mix them with a hand mixer until you get a foam. After that add the sugar and mix it until you get a shinny foam. Further add the yolks that were mixed before with honey, give it a good mix. Next add the flour, cocoa powder and baking powder, mix them together with a spatula, from the bottom to the top. Place the parchment paper in a  baking tray (25x30 cm), add the composition and bake it in a preheated oven at 170 C , for 40 min. Take it out and let it cool.

Place the chestnut puree in a bowl , add sugar and rum and stir them together. In a big bowl place the cream and start whisk it till it starts to thicken a little bit. Now add the chestnuts puree and condensed milk, whisk all of them until you get the right consistency.

Cut the sponge in 3 parts(2 cuts). Place one of sponge part on a plater moist it with some syrup, add 1/3 filling , sponge, moist, filling, sponge filling , and on the top you can decorate with what you have, I just sprinkled with some chocolate.




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